So, I noticed some tiny, tiny bugs crawling on the underside of a fallen leaf.
I could only check them through my loupe (trying to get a picture of the damn things). I did not notice ANY color (do on either side of the body). They are clear-ish, kind of white, but transparent. I don't have a leg count yet, nor have I been able to see antennae. Best I can tell, its all under side of leaves. Not all, but the low hangers mostly. I am still surveying the plants. I don't know what I would consider "quick", but at their size and the rate they can run around my fingers; their hauling ass my friend. I think it is a tossup between spider mites or aphids.
I'm hoping someone has a good resource/close up pics of both characters in their younger-days?
If I have mites; has anyone used predatory mites indoor's?
If I have aphids, how can I tell if their soil based or not?
Thanks all; going back to re-check some more plants and try and snap a damn pic...argh!!!
Some notes on my grow.
roughly 3rd week flower.
White Widow, Ice, Crystal, Rasberry and Mystic.
3 gallon container per plant.
Animals are not allowed in the room, BUT......animals climb all over me and I go in the damn room.
Fairly well sealed room.
Have had wild weather the past few weeks. Lots of humidity, lots of rain, had some high heat issues last week.
Fox Farms soil (Majority Ocean's, couple Happy Frog).
The plants look healthy enough, although with my humidity problem and fighting the de-humidfier, the soil has gone dryer than I would have liked a couple times. I don't know if the leaves closest to the soil are droppy because of lack of direct light and soil going dry; or if it is an indication of something else (the leaves and base I can and will get pics of; give me ten).
So, anyone care to post some critter pics and help a second year grower out?
I could only check them through my loupe (trying to get a picture of the damn things). I did not notice ANY color (do on either side of the body). They are clear-ish, kind of white, but transparent. I don't have a leg count yet, nor have I been able to see antennae. Best I can tell, its all under side of leaves. Not all, but the low hangers mostly. I am still surveying the plants. I don't know what I would consider "quick", but at their size and the rate they can run around my fingers; their hauling ass my friend. I think it is a tossup between spider mites or aphids.
I'm hoping someone has a good resource/close up pics of both characters in their younger-days?
If I have mites; has anyone used predatory mites indoor's?
If I have aphids, how can I tell if their soil based or not?
Thanks all; going back to re-check some more plants and try and snap a damn pic...argh!!!
Some notes on my grow.
roughly 3rd week flower.
White Widow, Ice, Crystal, Rasberry and Mystic.
3 gallon container per plant.
Animals are not allowed in the room, BUT......animals climb all over me and I go in the damn room.
Fairly well sealed room.
Have had wild weather the past few weeks. Lots of humidity, lots of rain, had some high heat issues last week.
Fox Farms soil (Majority Ocean's, couple Happy Frog).
The plants look healthy enough, although with my humidity problem and fighting the de-humidfier, the soil has gone dryer than I would have liked a couple times. I don't know if the leaves closest to the soil are droppy because of lack of direct light and soil going dry; or if it is an indication of something else (the leaves and base I can and will get pics of; give me ten).
So, anyone care to post some critter pics and help a second year grower out?