I got arrested


Well-Known Member
Whenever a thread or post starts with "guys", I always think troll. Is that just me?
sorry to hear man hope you don't get the short end of his dick,,,errrr short end of the stick:mrgreen:

Lol when I was at the police station I sat next to a gay Mexican named Gerardo and he was cool but he was in there for vandalism so I don't have respect for him lol


Well-Known Member
Yeah smae here I always see that tytheguy111 guy and iam like Jesus Christ another troll

And I made bail and they think it will just be a misdemeanor charge because they can't prove I used my keys and out of the many fights I've been in I got my ass kicked about 1/2 of the time so I don't think iam Bruce Lee lol
This screams lie or you hit like a toddler.


Well-Known Member
Whenever a thread or post starts with "guys", I always think troll. Is that just me?
This screams lie or you hit like a toddler.

No I get my ass kicked half the time and they can't prove that I used my keys as a dangerous weapon they told me only because my I knew the guy who asked me what my side story was in the white room and I asked what iam going to get and he said probably a misdemeanor charge for battery


Well-Known Member
Ty sounds like a bigot, who can't control his emotions very well.
It's a good thing that animals like that get thrown in the clink.
Maybe his girlfriend will get a chance to suck that dick, after all.


Well-Known Member
Ty sounds like a bigot, who can't control his emotions very well.
It's a good thing that animals like that get thrown in the clink.
Maybe his girlfriend will get a chance to suck that dick, after all.

Lol I had a bad day today and I was looking forward to being with my girlfriend and getting something from Wal-Mart and heading back to my place to hang out and smoke a blunt and forget



bud bootlegger
Lol I had a bad day today and I was looking forward to being with my girlfriend and getting something from Wal-Mart and heading back to my place to hang out and smoke a blunt and forget

first problem was going to walmart.. must avoid wally world like the flu, it's the devil incarnate..
second problem wasn't w/e the guy said, it's the way you reacted, read, over reacted, to what he said to you..
third problem is you need to take responsibility for the way you react, over react, when someone says something you don't agree with, or like..


Well-Known Member
There is a lot of high horse riding around this thread. The fact of the matter is if any dude, regardless of race, insulted your masculinity by hitting on your gf in a derogatory manner, you would have to be some kind of pussy not to get in a fight. If there is ever and i mean ever a reason for us to use our evolved aggression mechanisms, it's when a hostile male threatens your mate. Stop preaching moral b.s.


bud bootlegger
There is a lot of high horse riding around this thread. The fact of the matter is if any dude, regardless of race, insulted your masculinity by hitting on your gf in a derogatory manner, you would have to be some kind of pussy not to get in a fight. If there is ever and i mean ever a reason for us to use our evolved aggression mechanisms, it's when a hostile male threatens your mate. Stop preaching moral b.s.
threatens?? saying, oh baby, suck my dick, is threatening?? who ever thinks along those lines is going to have a long, hard, fight filled life.. some shit isn't worth getting into a fight over, but hey, if someone wants to spend their day in jail and worrying about court and the outcome, and paying for a lawyer, when they simply could have blown it off and went home and got some, cool on them.. for me, getting into a fight over something retarded like some dude saying suck my dick to my gf isn't worth it.. sometimes you've got to be the bigger person imvho.


Well-Known Member
Yes it is a threat to status. A threat to the ego. A threat to your perceived masculinity. Yes threatens. If anything is worth getting in a fight over, it is a guy making a pussy out of you in front of your girl. If you walk away from that, leave your testicles at the door as you exit the building.

For the record, I am pretty passive, I dn't seek trouble and will avoid it if possible, but something along those lines would draw me into a similar, though maybe not as brutal reaction.


Well-Known Member
I agree with you partially, puff.
Society has evolved as well. Human beings should learn to act appropriately due to the situation.
Neither one of us was there, so we cannot say for sure if the girl was "threatened". Certainly, if my girl was in trouble, and needed my assistance, I would defend her as any man should. But reading that she was asked to perform oral sex with someone, I would imagine it would be easy for her to say "no", and that would be the end of it. I would take it as a compliment if another man wanted to fuck my girl.
I get the feeling that the girl was digging the guy, and the OP was jealous, thus lashing out.
... but that's just the feeling I got from the post. Again, I wasn't there.

As for calling the OP a bigot, out of the first 2 of 3 of his posts, he objectified people by their race, and sexual preference.


bud bootlegger
Yes it is a threat to status. A threat to the ego. A threat to your perceived masculinity. Yes threatens. If anything is worth getting in a fight over, it is a guy making a pussy out of you in front of your girl. If you walk away from that, leave your testicles at the door as you exit the building.

For the record, I am pretty passive, I dn't seek trouble and will avoid it if possible, but something along those lines would draw me into a similar, though maybe not as brutal reaction.
idk, i guess i'm not a man as i'm pretty much a pacifist and surely am not going to get into a fight over some jerk off saying some stupid shit to my girl, and any girl that's with me would already know my feelings on getting into a fight, therefore there is no threat to my man hood as i don't perceive my man hood on my ability to get into a fist fight with some twat, i like to feel i'm just a bit above that sort of thing personally..


Well-Known Member
Yes it is a threat to status. A threat to the ego. A threat to your perceived masculinity. Yes threatens. If anything is worth getting in a fight over, it is a guy making a pussy out of you in front of your girl. If you walk away from that, leave your testicles at the door as you exit the building.

For the record, I am pretty passive, I dn't seek trouble and will avoid it if possible, but something along those lines would draw me into a similar, though maybe not as brutal reaction.
Dude must have smelled some pussy in the air or something. I don't claim to be the baddest mutha fucker on the planet, but I just don't see anyone saying that to my wife while I'm standing there. That only happens if dude sees some bitch in you in the first place. But what do I know.

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Well-Known Member
I'm with you, racerboy. Cooler heads prevail. If you're not smart enough to recognize the danger of getting into a fight over words, then I really don't care if you think I'm a pussy.