I got paitents 4 You

You fucking scamming mother fucker get the fuck out. I would prefer to help the community by allowing a homeless family in pain to stay a short while free in my remote travel trailer and offer to pay for the cards. There is some out of area locations and there will always be with out having to pay the indians.
Just.. horrible.

This is the most insane plan I've ever heard. I hate to break it to you, but there were growers LONG before there were legal MMJ patients.
I will offer 1 free bottle of whiskey to any Indians members who want to come onboard however they must pay for there own card and sign a statement
that no mmj will be taken on to the reservation. Indian couples will receive a bonus 12 pack of Budweiser.

Act fast this is my final offer!
Did I get you guys to argue for days again? LOL!! Fool you once shame on me...fool you twice shame on you!!

Seriously folks if you have grow rights do not let these people take advantage of you when they are making a living off of you.
Did I get you guys to argue for days again? LOL!! Fool you once shame on me...fool you twice shame on you!!

Seriously folks if you have grow rights do not let these people take advantage of you when they are making a living off of you.

LMFAO. Take advantage? If you have grow rights, stfu and grow your own then. Take advantage. lol What a tool
This literally made me sick.

Stinks of scams and patient abuse.
Yes it will be a smoky day for them as they medicate for themselves.

Bought a big van to transport them in from the reservation get em medicated and send them home.

I believe some other card holders may get to imbibe after all sharing is caring. I get nothing except the enjoyment of them selling art and they get all the satisfaction from their work.

What are they cattle that you lug around taking advantage of them until you're full of free money and cannabis? :cuss:
Yeah dude I thought the same shit but held my comments until now.

Really fucked up. I lived on the rez.
Yeah dude I thought the same shit but held my comments until now.

Really fucked up. I lived on the rez.

its so racist that you moved off the rez.... why you dont love teh indians!!!! You are bad man. All i want to do is use these indians to make you feel bad so i can get lots of free weed and moneys ?!?! why is taht wrong to do. white mans right rite???