I got sick two days ago


Well-Known Member
Well like the title says i'm sick with a stomach bug I can't hold anything down:spew:, and i decided not to smoke thinking that a bong hit would make me throw up again, well i've been in bed all day and finally at 4:20 this morning i awoke (no pun intended) and decided to take a bong hit of WW A2 and finally i can drink water again and hold it down and have been able to eat a little of an apple.


Well-Known Member
Yeah smoking weed helps control nausea. Thats why some people smoke bud before they have chemotherapy


Well-Known Member
It worked for me I am about to smoke another blow and go up to work and get my pay check. Anybody know what kinds of food i should eat?, i don't want to start throwing up every 15 to 30 min again.


Just some idiot
Soup, but just the stuff with broth like beef bullion or chicken bullion. I'm no doctor but that's what I do. My mom used to makle me eat jello too, and even popsicles. Get well soon, sucks being sick on the weekend.


Well-Known Member
Crackers, toast and all the jazz are pretty easily digestable. I like vegetable broth based soups better than the meat-based broths. Pedialyte will keep you hydrated without giving you diarhea. Hope you feel better.


Well-Known Member
thank you for the advice i got chicken nodle soup and some other food yogert v8 i might going back to the store.


Well-Known Member
The ganja helps me everytime with nausea. Hangovers, flu and even one time when I had food poisioning. Keep hydrated and feel better!


Active Member

Just FYI, in my experience (with my illness intense nausea as a regular thing) V8 Juice is tough on the gut when it's empty. Very acidic.

Try some of that frozen juice, and blend it about 20% more water. Works for me, and following one of my major attacks I'm known to drink quarts of the stuff a day...especially if I can't keep food down.



Well-Known Member
sorry to hear this token, so you were trying to get me sick yesterday!

kinda busy today, i will try to get by buddy


Well-Known Member
thanks for the help everyone, The v8 might have been what made a little sick last night but other then that i have been getting better the ganja helps alot i haven't been this stoned for sometime lol. i wouldn't want to get you sick/ anybody else because i know how busy you are:peace: and hope you get all your stuff done.