I got this 8" inline fan today, reducers and carbon filter next?


Active Member
Ok , i came across this ValuLine 8" inline fan today, my buddy had one brand new and I was able to strike up a no cash trade for it so I got it


It also came with 25ft of 8" ducting..

My grow area is 7x20 with 3 1000w lights, portable ac with ducking that goes outside, now I plug this thing up and it sucks some serious air flow .. a little too much,

Do i need to buy a fan controller to control the speed on this thing

And where does the inline fan go? in the corner of the room? Does it drill into the damn wall or hang? my hoods are not air cooled so no luck there, but I still want this thing to suck out the hot air.. I will running the lights at night, im in northern cali but the winter is coming, nighttimes in the garage get as low as 50-60 degrees but I imagine with these lights on it will be a little bit more heat intense...

now that I have this inline fan, I would like to control the speed, and then Im looking into a carbon filter,

smell and odor will be an issue with me, I dont want these things stinkin up my whole blockm any suggestions on a carbon filter that works good and if your suggesting it please have some experience with it and let me know! thanks


Well-Known Member
Your fan should be outside of the tent blowing hot air out the window or to another room if possible. An 8 inch
fan should suck some serious air. I have a 6 inch.


I tried to use a cheap speed controller on amazon and my inline fan doesn't like it making a buzzing noise. I don't think they like being slowed or they need a quality controller. I think the best is to use a wheel timer for on/off each 15 min at full blast or less frequent at night when cold. . I don't like to drill the fan on the wall because of high vibration creating noise. I screw rings on the ceiling and attach with bungee cords. It must be as high possible to get all hot air and as far away possible from fresh air intake.