nicely done current crop here i have relocated to my currently unheated( grow box )greenhouse 16'x36'
which is actually two grow area's, one under glass and one under lights... once the floor has been all wheel barrow'd in....and a patio stone floor laid....(not by me)
22-100 gallon grow bags purchased, 22 carts to wheel them around.
I'm not wealthy money I have to move slowly,but have had some help from a contractor friend....who is also working on my whenever I run out of something for them to do temporarily ,they work on the greenhouse
Once the ground thaws power lines going in, since the dark area,will have 3-1000 watt hps and a separate cloning /mother room.
I am also insulating the dark area with a sprayed closed cell foam before enclosing the inside of the wall with cement board as a fire resistant /mold resistant and paint-able washable layer....
as soon as I am all complete....I will be sure to give you guys the tour...