I had a bunch of seeds and didn't even know it! LOL


Well-Known Member
I finally got tired of looking at my Sativa, and after being told by somebody, that I used to value their opinion until the other day, I chopped all but the main cola.
I had been waiting for/ hoping she would fill out a little more with time, light and heat, but finally said fuck it.
I was so irritated last night when I chopped the side branches, I didn't even bag and freeze the popcorn buds, trim or anything.
I just threw it all into a bowl to run through some ISO.
I did a batch last night, and evap'ed it off today, without any freezing, drying or anything, just wanting to try what I haven't read about being done yet...........
So, another experiment here.
Either we will find something we can do like a quick dry/ spur of the moment, or we will find out why the freezing is recommended.


Well-Known Member
Where's the part about the seeds?:eyesmoke:
IDK, I been drinking and what not already, but those fucking seed were everywhere, and I had no clue they were even in her, until I started shaking the popcorn and trim up in the ISO.
Good part is.......
After about 6 hrs of letting the ISO evap, I got a couple g's+ off of it, won't try it till tomorrow or next day though.