Got it..... HERE YA GO......He is a male, 28, 5' 6" tall and about twenty pounds over weight....hahahaha, thats my dexcp. He also is phillipeno descent. Ok he texted me this. It was caused by lack of sleep, poor diet, stress, and smoking tobacco.
The lining of the sack around your hert gets infected and blood gets built up which slows the beat of your heart. Thi can be bad and you can pass out and wreck your car and all kinds of crap. For real man, its good to be a clean pissin activist. I would most definatelly quit smoking tobacco at the very least. And really the MJ too for now. You likely have an Infection in your heart! (pericarduim) There are fairly cheap meds but you must take them on schedule and must stop smoking weed. Ask about a med called prestiq. This will allow you to quit smoking, or at least quit thinking about it. Bit if you smoke it doesn't trip you out. I have anger management problems.
I have off white skin yet my grandfather was bred up untill 1906(us citizenship) to be a maintenance slave in time of peace and a mercenary in time of war. My family fought the germans in WW1 and japanese in WW2. My name literally means slave in Italian. If you facebook my last name we all look very similar, male and female. This is because not unlike a dog breed that is stable, bred over many generations, my genes are too. Its like if you have a purebred and it gets pregnant by a mut, even though the father is a mut the dogs still favor the purebred. It seems there is way more than genetic history than the pugnet square. Also my mothers side goes back to a family that was nearly wiped out by indian attack. Very strange that i have had african slavery and the trail of tears forced down my throat all my life, then i learn this just after a my grandfather dies. He was not racist at all. In fact if anyone said anything along the lines he would interupt you and make a fool of you. He was hired the first, and highest paid black skinned man to a large corp. bus. He also made sure he showed up in all pics of board, picnics, meetings, etc.
Also what do you think about white slaves? What if i said that there may be alot in Kenya, and being sold from italy. What If i asked you this? Why is it that Iranians look just like Italians? Because they were slaves a couple years ago and were sold from Italy! I hope enough people read this and research it. But please don't steal my identity. I am broke as a joke.