I hate FKN spider mites!

The Avid should work just fine. As long as you follow the directions properly.

I prefer FORBID 4F myself.
One and done stuff. The active ingredient is also used in hand lotions and some shampoo's. It acts on the bug's ability to absorb lipid fats.

Each of them ONLY need to be applied lightly on the top surface of the leaves. No having to spray the bottom of the leaves.

Now then. IF you ever get Russet mites (the BORG). Use each on a 5 day rotation of 2 applications each - alternating every other spraying.

Wait a week and see how your doing. You must knock Russet mites down quickly or the plant can/will get genetic damage.
Many simply chuck and start over. Russet's suck....
I would only wish russets on my worst enemy.

I heard they were introduced intentionally.
Thought of as a vagrant insect species.
There are like a cpl thousand? types of them. Hard to remember right now but, maybe a cpl hundred? Not looking it up right now.

They were first discovered/DEFINED (Hemp Russet mite) in Hungary in 1960 by some guy named Farkas or farkis or something like that.

The Russet mite it's self was described in 1892 by a guy named Nalepa..

These buggers are microscopic (The size of the diameter of a white fly leg)...... NASTY, NASTY bastards. The are the BORG.
Thought of as a vagrant insect species.
There are like a cpl thousand? types of them. Hard to remember right now but, maybe a cpl hundred? Not looking it up right now.

They were first discovered/DEFINED (Hemp Russet mite) in Hungary in 1960 by some guy named Farkas or farkis or something like that.

The Russet mite it's self was described in 1892 by a guy named Nalepa..

These buggers are microscopic (The size of the diameter of a white fly leg)...... NASTY, NASTY bastards. The are the BORG.
Let’s all band together and kill them all!
If using beneficial mites hasn't been said, use beneficial mites. No need to shut down and they stay for a while if you have some spider mites. They can easily be a preventative as well.
If using beneficial mites hasn't been said, use beneficial mites. No need to shut down and they stay for a while if you have some spider mites. They can easily be a preventative as well.
Hey, I’ve just recently found somewhere where I can order in some beneficial insects, do the beneficial mites ever finish the job or just help to maintain during the grow?
Hey, I’ve just recently found somewhere where I can order in some beneficial insects, do the beneficial mites ever finish the job or just help to maintain during the grow?
When I used them after seeing spidermites, it just maintained them and I saw them on the clover still (covercrop) but I didn't see any damage on the cannabis leaves again.