I Hate Illuminati-Fanatics


Well-Known Member
really, because TODAY i may go fishing.

the sky is falling!!!
Are you super stoked that the fish you catch will have shit in it from nerds fucking with nuclear shit- it's evil. I know your well informed and yeah things are still good and you cant get caught up in to much alex jones- but people who dont know or understand or care about whats going on need to start caring and educating themselves and voting and paying attention- Or the effects of a few powerful evil motivated people will have irreversable negitive effects on the planet and generations to come, much worse than the radiation and toxins that will be in todays catch.....Have a relaxing day, enjoy the boat.


Well-Known Member
Are you super stoked that the fish you catch will have shit in it from nerds fucking with nuclear shit- it's evil. I know your well informed and yeah things are still good and you cant get caught up in to much alex jones- but people who dont know or understand or care about whats going on need to start caring and educating themselves and voting and paying attention- Or the effects of a few powerful evil motivated people will have irreversable negitive effects on the planet and generations to come, much worse than the radiation and toxins that will be in todays catch.....Have a relaxing day, enjoy the boat.
i'm 100% catch and release. :cool:

got anymore FEAR you wish to try to dump on me? :sleep:


Well-Known Member
i can pee in the water. i can swim in it as well.
I had a friend get ticketed for littering in the harbor for swimming
Are you ready to help Jessie Ventura take the white house
Its Ron Paul....
Or Ventura will lead a campaign to take the white house- We know you have a bad knee but Ventura will clear you for service


Well-Known Member
I had a friend get ticketed for littering in the harbor for swimming
Are you ready to help Jessie Ventura take the white house
Its Ron Paul....
Or Ventura will lead a campaign to take the white house- We know you have a bad knee but Ventura will clear you for service
i told you, i'm going fishing. :)


Active Member
You cannot argue with this video. I challenge anyone to offer any reasonable rebuttal to the actual content of this speech. What is JFK referring to if not the Illuminati and the need of the media to expose hidden agendas??
This was half a century ago. Look at how much has changed.There are no speeches from real leaders any longer, just redundant rhetoric to placate us.
JFK = USA’s last real president.


Well-Known Member
You cannot argue with this video. I challenge anyone to offer any reasonable rebuttal to the actual content of this speech. What is JFK referring to if not the Illuminati and the need of the media to expose hidden agendas??
This was half a century ago. Look at how much has changed.There are no speeches from real leaders any longer, just redundant rhetoric to placate us.
JFK = USA’s last real president.
half a century ago and nothing has changed.


oh my, here comes the illuminati. :roll:

and then ...

or should i say .. WHEN? :?


Active Member
And you don't have to live in fear. Just be aware. That's all I've ever tried to push. Cause at the end of the day what can you really do about it..??


Well-Known Member
half a century ago and nothing has changed.


oh my, here comes the illuminati. :roll:

and then ...

or should i say .. WHEN? :?
A whole lot has changed
And the answer is its here now people just don't realise it but its becoming more apparent and more main stream


Active Member
i knew someone who became absolutely obsessed with illuminati and doomsday talk...he lives in a rubber room now

edit: not the acual looneybin, a self-made looneybin


Active Member
i knew someone who became absolutely obsessed with illuminati and doomsday talk...he lives in a rubber room now

edit: not the acual looneybin, a self-made looneybin
I know people that have become obsessesd with counting everything they do in three and like to sniff rubber. What does that have to do with anything?


Well-Known Member
A whole lot has changed
And the answer is its here now people just don't realise it but its becoming more apparent and more main stream
yeah, blacks vote and women boss men around. no more jews getting gassed and retarded people work at McDonalds. tragic i tell you, tragic. :shock: