I hate my life.... please help


Well-Known Member
Seriously you only get one go at this, don't shit it up moping around picking out all the things that bring you displeasure if you do it just wastes time you wont get back.:?


Well-Known Member
sounds like its time for PHISH TOUR!!!!!!!
oh wait no more phish thour ;( oh well how bout sound tribe tour or its summer tiume try festival tour with some mixed shows in thier just take the summer off and hit the road


Well-Known Member
If I was your age I'd travel the world!! At least get it together to see Amsterdam once, it'll give you reasons to live!!


Active Member
It makes me happy to see how many replies I have received. I think I need to just suck it up and grab life by the horns as they say. I dont know what I am going to do yet, but I think an adventure is in order. I have some soul searching to do. I have been talking to my parents today and they listen to me, which I am grateful for. They understand what im saying and they arnt saying no to a lot of my ideas. Its really all in my hands. I just need to to take that step. I think that will be the hardest thing. Ive been going down the same road all my life [metaphorically] and i think its time i try a different route, even if its not a shortcut. Thanks for all the posts. You guys brought a smile to my face today...


Well-Known Member
its seems to me that its perfectly normal to become dissatisfied with life and lose interest in everyday activities. i have had that problem not once but twice. you need to take a break from what your doing. if you want to see the world make a plan and do it. but suicide is not the answer its a cowards way out and you would only leave behind grieving loved ones. Deal with the problem, sit down and make a plan and if it takes a couple of years for you to have an epiphany so what, life is for living and learning get out there and find yourself:)


Well-Known Member
Sounds like depression dude.. doesn't weed help with that? I'm in the same boat as you right now but I've just got an interview for a job and that will maybe take my mind off things. Try to get something like that, maybe a hobby or something rewarding so you'll have something that you like while receiving stuff from it. Get what I mean? Oh and if you can you can find a psychologist to help you out since you do seem to be in quite serious shit. I've got both a psychatrist and a psychologist but psychiatrist just jack you up on pills.


Well-Known Member
first off bro i am gonna be 26 now and i hated my early 20's up until just recently i was like WTF...i thought i would have it all figured out by now, but the truth is homie you never feel ambitious about life all of the time it comes in spurts like a bad bud drought, you find ways to get through it. Killing yourself is a permanent resolution to a temperary situation...JUST A VERY WAAAK! thought. Man life in my opinion is so worth living even in its glumiest haze its better than Nothing or no sunrise at all. My advice bro is just try and be in the moment, enjoy the smaller things that bring you pleasure and the rest will follow. People around you will see you are happy doing you so just do you and put the blinders on man. You can't expect to have it all figured out at 20, and in reality no one really wants you to, its all in your mind. I'll stop rambling and leave you with this thought, all to often we find ourselves WITH ONE FOOT IN THE FUTURE,AND ONE FOOT IN THE PAST, AND WE'RE PISSING ON TODAY. Be in the moment bro. PEACE

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
One thing you can always think of....there are always folks who have it worse. Perhaps that's no comfort to you, but it has helped me once in a while. I tried to kill myself when I was 19 years old.I was with my first daughter's father...at that time I'd never slept with anyone else....I had low self esteem to begin with and thought if I saved myself for one guy, he'd know how important he was.He turned and looked at me one day and said, "I only fucked you on a dare."So I went upstairs and ate 60 lithium, and I was scared and gagging and crying, but I choked them down and waited to die. As I lay there, a peace washed over me, and I thought...oh finally...it'll be quiet now.And I proceed to puke and shit.Afterwards, he found out what I had done from his neice, who was the only person I told...she was a year older than me...I guess she was just trying to get him to realize how he hurt me...and he said"maybe you'll do it right next time." I didnt mean to turn this into something about me...my point is...worse things have happened since then...and I have survived...and I can even laugh about a lot of it. Death is uncertain. You never know whats there till you get there. But you know, though life has its surprises....it's still life and you know you can live it, if that makes any sense. I still get way down...ask me tomorrow and I may not be able to give you a reason to live.But, reading your post, I can't see a reason to die, either.
I hate my life. Im 20 years old, white male from Pennsylvania. I go to a good college in southern california and im just sick of everything around me. Im an English major and its more of a hobby to me than a passion. My parents support me in pretty much anything i want to do, but for some reason nothing has been that rewarding. I have interests; cooking, reading, writing... but its nothing i can make a life out of. Im having a midlife crisis before i even have a life. Im just sick of all this. I even have a really cute girlfriend back in LA but she doesnt really get why im so upset with everything. I have so many goddamn opportunities but i just dont want any of them. I dont really care much for getting a ba, or getting some kush job after college. There are a lot things i want to do, but when i say them, they sound like strange fantasies to my parents.

To get my mind off things I think about ways to kill myself. But I dont think I have the balls to ever do it. I want to see the world but i dont know where to start. I constantly have these pipe dreams of just leaving this life behind and start hopping trains or something, but i dont know if i have the balls to do that either.

Im back home in pittsburgh now for the summer and things have been shitty. I dont know if i want to go back to school and its making my parents go freaking mad! Im just sleeping in and playing around on my computer. I dont know what to do. I dont really know why im posting this. Its almost 4am here and this is just a shot. Does anyone out there in this big/small world have any ideas? Please no B.S. Im getting to the end of my rope...
this is prolly a stupid idea but my email is CaptainCallahan@gmail.com


New Member
Im not saying that u do becuz I dont know u or anything, but if u have depression or some mental disorder that shit can be really serious. I got depression really really bad years back and before that my life was actually pretty good, the depression hit me so hard and soon my life was over and has been since then pretty much. And thats not even factoring in my anxiety or episodes of psychosis and paranoia, Im doing better now though. Im just saying u should get urself checked for stuff like that before u decide to do anything.


Well-Known Member
Go for a run man, I'm telling you a good work out lifts your endorphins right up baaam, and getting laid probably will do the trick too:-)


Well-Known Member
take a few big hits of salvia and that shit will clear up your mind... but seriously if you want to escape into another dimension just do it


Active Member
And thats not even factoring in my anxiety or episodes of psychosis and paranoia
Dr Pepper is the cure for paranoia.
Like in the big picture anyone cares what you do, you might be a brief conversation or many. But one isn't limited to a circle.
Dance like you dont care eventually teaches you to care :lol:


Active Member
Going through the same shit myself man. Really questioning taking time off and just doing something new like travelling for a few months, doing the same shit ain't gonna get anything changed.

Truth is we as humans have evolved so rapidly over the past couple hundred years that we haven't had time to adapt to this fast paced lifestyle. There's so many expectations of us that sometimes we boil over and struggle to cope with it.

So many people are falsely diagnosed with depression and go on pills that merely numb their feelings, whereas they should be treating the real problem, not the symptom. True depression and merely feeling sad/unaccomplished are two entirely different things.

A great link about depression, understanding and treating it: Signs of depression | Clinical-Depression.co.uk


New Member
Yeah, thats right. Everyone will go through a little depression sometime in their life because that is just natural. The stuff I had was diagnosed as severe clinical depression though, but that was years back. I learned how to do stuff to lessen the depression and I still have it but I havent taken any medication in like 2 years, I didnt feel like myself at all when I took that.

Humans society did evolve way too fast though. In the Indian tribes they had a slow paced lifestyle and would take time out to have celebrations and had peace pipe ceremonies and did other psychedelic drugs as medicine and part of everyday life. Thats what we as a society should be doing but we are too busy all the time and make no time for our mind at all. All we care about is money money and more money. We waste our whole lives worrying about things and working, its really a shame. The new age lifestyle might look attractive at first but you will find out soon enough how bad it is and by that time you will already be trapped in it. I was actually considering running away from all this and going into the jungle to live by myself or join a tribe somewhere, sometimes I dont feel like Im built for the new society.


Well-Known Member
take a few big hits of salvia and that shit will clear up your mind... but seriously if you want to escape into another dimension just do it
In his state of mind, that might end up really bad. It was a guy up here in canada who was a little imbalanced, toked a bowl of salvia, claimed he saw the path of his life, and decided to end it. Citing it was no reason for him to continue living since he had already seen the outcome. Psychedelics are no good unless you're in a good state of mind.


Well-Known Member
this is what I tell my little brother. You guys are around the same age. Do what makes you happy, even if that means becoming a nomad and seeing the world. You're born alone, you Die alone, and no one can tell you what's best for you, they can only make suggestions. If they don't understand...whatever. It's okay to be selfish and look out for yourself. Everyone has expectations, but when they outweigh the desire it's pointless. Money is important, but you can't take it with you when you leave. So look for something that's going to make you happy, and not what's going to make you money. You know what's going to make you happy, you're just afraid that it wont work out. Just go for it bro, you never know until you try. You could do something you love, and make it. Or you could do something you love and crap out. Those are the chances we take with everything.


Well-Known Member
In his state of mind, that might end up really bad. It was a guy up here in canada who was a little imbalanced, toked a bowl of salvia, claimed he saw the path of his life, and decided to end it. Citing it was no reason for him to continue living since he had already seen the outcome. Psychedelics are no good unless you're in a good state of mind.

totally agree....... not a good idea in his state of mind.....


Well-Known Member
marijuana can be a weapon against yourself and triggers schizzo .....

Life sucks sometimes dude, what do u want to happen..... i think the same way as you sometimes, but i know one thing ... it doesnt happen over night nor does money grow on tree's ^^

wich sucks.... ^^

You gotta do something, and not allways think is this gona make me: succesfull/rich/have a great life.... If u like something so much, make it your job.... ! You will automaticly meet ppl with same interest, same lifestyle...... and ppl that want to do excactly what you wana do.... maybe you've allready got someone... Your girlfriend ;) you said you had holidays ... why not visit her and talk to your parents about that... Maybe they should understand from where you'r coming...


I agree that maybe working with people that dont have a " great " life would help you gain self adrenalin to actually see what you've got there & to become something you dream'd of ;)
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New Member
I hate my life. Im 20 years old, white male from Pennsylvania. I go to a good college in southern california and im just sick of everything around me. Im an English major and its more of a hobby to me than a passion. My parents support me in pretty much anything i want to do, but for some reason nothing has been that rewarding. I have interests; cooking, reading, writing... but its nothing i can make a life out of. Im having a midlife crisis before i even have a life. Im just sick of all this. I even have a really cute girlfriend back in LA but she doesnt really get why im so upset with everything. I have so many goddamn opportunities but i just dont want any of them. I dont really care much for getting a ba, or getting some kush job after college. There are a lot things i want to do, but when i say them, they sound like strange fantasies to my parents.

To get my mind off things I think about ways to kill myself. But I dont think I have the balls to ever do it. I want to see the world but i dont know where to start. I constantly have these pipe dreams of just leaving this life behind and start hopping trains or something, but i dont know if i have the balls to do that either.

Im back home in pittsburgh now for the summer and things have been shitty. I dont know if i want to go back to school and its making my parents go freaking mad! Im just sleeping in and playing around on my computer. I dont know what to do. I dont really know why im posting this. Its almost 4am here and this is just a shot. Does anyone out there in this big/small world have any ideas? Please no B.S. Im getting to the end of my rope...
this is prolly a stupid idea but my email is CaptainCallahan@gmail.com
You sir, need to buck up and buy a ham. Being a man aint easy, but you haven even came across the hard parts yet. The fact that you think you have room to complain about your life shows how little understanding and compassion you have for the rest fo the world. I tutro these motherfuckin african guys, who walked a thousand miles and saw thier friends killed by wild animals for the chance at life, and you think you have some room or right to whine about your existence.
You are not old
You are not retarded
you are not handicapped
you are not downtrodden
You are not poor
you have education
you do not have a criminal record
I'm probably sure you are not even in the running for racial profiling

I am not a person to coddle those who do not need it. You need a swift kick in the ass and a reality check. Go try being homeless for a few days. Or being hungry for even one.
Do whatever you have to do, just man up!!!You gotta make a move even if its the wrong one.