i have 2 weeks to pass a urine test, please help?

Hey guys i stopped smoking today, and I have 2 weeks to be able to pass a THC urine test.

I will not smoke until after the test, so besides the water and exercise what can i do to clear the THC out quickly.

And is 2 weeks a reasonable enough time frame?

Ive been smoking everyday for about 3 months...

help would be appreciated...



Well-Known Member
with 2 weeks i think flushing will work, but to be 100% sure i would go with the fake pee. good luck


get your buddy or mom to pee in a jar for you and take it in, in a baby bottle or flask, warm up the bottle under the hot water tap in the bathroom then pour into test bottle and just tell the nurse you peed on the bottle a little so you just rinsed it off....

this works I know....


Active Member
Hey bro I have passed about 7 Urine Analysis tests for employment and even one after an accident with Test Pure Platinum Magnum Force drink. It really works especially if you stop smoking herb at least 3 days b4 you piss. Follow the direction to a absolute FUCKING T and you will be home free my friend.


Active Member
Don't listen to guys who tell you fake pee and bleach and all that other BS. Use your own urine just get that Test Pure it even worked for my DAD of all people.


Well-Known Member
bro.... quick fix.. the best thing ever. i used it to pass a test now i have a job making 60-80k a year. use it properly and it will work. no injesting some crap that someone made up in their bathtub. good luck