• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

I Have a Dream


Active Member
Well this is my first post so I guess i will start from the beginning, I came here looking for advice and some Ideas, not to be shoot down

I have a tight crew that started in middle school, we have always been into the free market of buying and selling pot, I personal think it one of the few things that the government does not have there hands in, on some levels I'm wrong and on some I'm right, that beside the point. My tight circle of five people have grown up bit were all now in are early twenties, going to school, working dead end jobs, and making babies thats always fun. Money tight, so we came up with a plan one night while passing around the bong a risky plan but if it pays off it pays off big. It's called the I have a dream plan hints the title.

Phase 1
The Money
That my part, in two weeks I leave for the army, I've always wanted to serve this great country I live in that seems to falling apart at the joints no pun intended. I'm getting max signing bounes, 40,000, saving my money over the course of a three year contract I will be able to leave with 122,000 give or take. Airborne ranger I can't f*cking wait.

The Trails
My crew while I'm gone will be running trails of growing pot and getting the skills to make the best weed we can make, well that already under way, a couple small op's in a couple diffrent places the plants look great, smell great and man i wish i could smoke some. (I'll try to post some pics)

Phase 2
The Cover
I'm big into paintball, I help build a ten person scenario paintball team into a 30 person scenario powerhouse in the that just gained a national sponsorship. I have always wanted to own and host scenario paintball events, and run a field. the field is just cover while constrution to build the badest scenerio paintball field in the country, there will be a underground construction project.

The Bunker
building a undergound grow factory will be no easy mission I realize that, that why I'm here. to brainstorm here is the plan for my bunker.
It will be covered by and earth mound that will be the center piece of my paintball field. the bunker it self will be made out of steel shipping containers, completly contained, with electric, water, and an air ventaltion system. along with other things.

What I need, well plan and simple I just want people to bounce Ideas off of, the system would have to automatic most of the time at least when it comes to lights, water.

Thanks for reading


Well-Known Member
I work with automation. An "automatic" system is possible to build, but to do it right(full redundant systems) your start-up money won't be able to do it. The only automated hydroponic system I have worked on was for a potato chip company. They built an entire complex around their system for a total price of 1.5 mil for electrical work alone. Its possible friend, but you need to know what you are after.


Active Member
I think you could do this no problem with your startup money.. The deciding factor here is how much is your legitimate paintball business going to cost? You need to find that out so you know how much is left to pay for the grow setup. A marijuana grow obviously isn't going to be as professional as one done by a potato chip company (see post above), and can be done DIY-style for much, much cheaper. How many plants are you thinking? All an automated system requires is some tubing, a pump, and a reservoir. Now, for lots of plants, you'll need lots of tubing, lots of pumps, and lots of reservoirs. Neither of those items are particularly expensive, however. Then for lighting you'll need maybe one 1000w HPS over every 15 plants, those run around $250 - $300 each. I see no reason why this dream is impossible.


Well-Known Member
sounds like a rite dream, post us when you come back. and tell us if it worked.
good luck in the army, and hop you save all your 3 years wage, you mite need to spend somthing over the 3 years.


Well-Known Member
sounds a little far fetched for me. I plan on buying a house with a nice size basement and turning that into a giant grow room. I mean depending on how many plants lets just say( a realistic number) 300 harvested dried cured every 3 months thats 1,200 plants harvested a year and lets say an average of one ounce per plant. at $3000 a pound your looking at $225,000 a year which is like $616 dollars a day 7 days a week!! how much freakin money are you trying to make.


Active Member
GodSpeed HighYield, I don't agree with the War but I trully am greatful of all the men and women that are fighting for us. My father was a paratrooper and fought two tours in Korea, I wanted to go fight after 02 but was forbidden. My father and I


Active Member
made a deal though, if we get into it with Korea I can go, and with the way things are going it might come true. My fellow Americans, watch out for Korea, Iran and Pakistan. Trouble is brewing!


Active Member
We should just pull out and work on being able to self-sustain ourselves without all these countrys. We're not going to win that war in Iraq, its just another vietnam. When we leave, they'll just start doing shit at a much larger scale. Let the morons blow themselves up I say. We can have peace over here on our big island while the rest of the world determines if jehovah or allah is the right god.

As for the OP. Better drop paintball. With that much money, your going to want to go all out and being able to hold yourself back will be difficult. I played speedball with a lot of the top players for a good while. Every waking minute of my life I was looking at what I was going to buy next to keep up with Jones's.

My advice would be to concentrate on one or the other.


Well-Known Member
welll actually u can fit a huge amount in one container prolly fit like at least 12 1000watters. it would be very cheap for you to purchase a used container for $2,500 under the cover of a structure for our paintball filed. then hire a construction thing to dig a hole for u for the correct size maybe another $1000 then you personally rent a backhoe drag the container in the hole and bury with the backho. that way no one will know its there. backhoe rental maybe $500, so $3000 u got your room, so drop about anothe $4000 on your lights and everythign else u got your dream for $7000 about the price of a 4wheeler.

my opinion is u should only do one container, u can always expand, its the safest way to proceed i think.

oh yea i thought of building a bunker too but mostly to have cool fort:mrgreen: but the thing that always stops me among many other things is the water intrusion of an underground room, how can u be sure u do the drainage correctly so your room doesnt flood in a heavy rain, also how would u operate during the winter, gonna get cold in there at lights off.


Active Member
First off thanks for all the replies guys.

I would like to addresse what most of you said one at a time.

The system would in no way have to be a fully redundant systems, it would only have to take care of itself for a week at the most two, since the plants would be in rotation to max yield year around. plus the expertise in computers, electric work, pluming, and HVAC (ventaltion) are already there. each one of my people bring their own skills to the table.

First off what is DIY-style, I'm not sure on the number of plants yet, but as many as I can do.

Thanks for the support, saving the income is not a problem, I have income coming from several rental properties that are owned between me and my parents and other ventures that I got involved when I was younger.

Far fetched seems about right, but hell dreams are not worth having if they are not big ones. Money, well the more the better seems about right, but keep in mind this OP will be supporting five families, and creating start up money to expand into other more legitimate biz when the money is flowing.

Thank you, and your right trouble is brewing both here and abroad. Tell your dad thank you for me as well.

The last thing I want to do is turn this into a political thread, we all don't have the time for that, but I will express my thoughts I will try to make this short. first off I have a degree interntional relations, that one of the reasons the military has given such a high signing bouns, my last paper was named counterinsurgency: modern warfare so I consider my self well versed in the subject of current events and the problems that have lead us to where we are, and tools to fix it. Rush26 your wrong on two counts we are winning a year and half ago we were not. second this is in no way a vietnam, their is no soviet factor, or the split of a highly industrialized north, to a rual farming economy south like there was in vietnam. Now I don't agree with the reasons we went in to Iraq for, I would not go as far as to call it all lies, but more like exgeration (if you think antrax is a WMD, you never seen 24 LOL) The truth is the american public could have handled the facts, saddam was tyrant, who used chemical weapons on his own people, ruled with an Iron fist. But lets not kid are selves this war is about one thing MONEY, some very rich people are getting more rich each day it goes on but that the nature of the beast the MIC beast. one last thing then I will quit ranting, America will never be self sustained I work for UPS right now, if it was not for Globization that company would not be what it is, and you can say that for any industry in america except the buying and selling of weed, but hell even there how many people get seeds from canada LOL.

Your missing the point with the paintball field, rush it's cover have you ever trying to sell lots of drugs with out having a legitimate job it seldom works. Have you ever played scenario ball (I have played speedball) it a total diffrent experience, I'm talking games with 300-500 players on the field at one time (OK-d-day the largest paintball game in the world had 4500 player on the field at one time) thats scenario play, not to mention it will be a Biz and I will not be playing. problem is to do this right, you can't have one with out the other plan and simple.

our numbers seem to match up well, the bunker will be the cheap part, the acers for a scenario field, building the badest f*cking scenario paintball field in the country will be the expensive part. Contruction is not a problem, when I was young about 16 my cousin who was 25 started a remodeling Biz one of the smart ventures I got into, lets just say it blow up over the last couple of years, to be a full blown contruction Biz, so the digging will be handled with in the family which is always good.

using one container is out of the question because once the bunker is in place it will have the center piece of my paintball field on top a three story urban warfare building. not to mention the bunker will also double as a couple other things like an armory, and E-stoarge, several container just for growing and one for drying, and generator and ventalation container, several will be needed. For the most part, containers are water and air tight, I don't have all the answers yet, wrapping up in a big bubble of plactic is one Idea, also there will be a huge mound of grass covered dirt and rock that will cover the bunker that the three story building will sit on, that should help, I have some experts on my side when it comes to things like that. Once you get below six or seven feet of earth hot and cold is not a factor the earth acts as a natrual insulator, but the bunker will have a complete HAVAC system just incase.

Once again thanks guys, and keep it coming you have no Idea how much this helps. And Rush don't think I was calling you out, me and you see eye to eye on alot of things.

Murphys Law

Active Member
If these containers are in the middle of the field, with a huge mound of dirt on top, how are you getting in and out? And if you can get in and out, and there are all these people paint balling around this door/latter/man hole/what ever some one will eventually ask questions. If you're planning on building a tunnell system, why not just put the grow op away from the field in the first place?

And even if that isn't an issue, what if something goes wrong? Electrical problems start a fire or the smell cover up (filters or whatever) goes bust mid match? Way too much human activity around there to keep it stealth.

Seems to me, your best bet for using the paint ball business as a cover would be to keep the grow op and the actual playing field completely seperate. I'm sure you'll have some sort of lodge/office on site - why not just have a basement there without anyones knowledge? Or, if you are commited to the shipping container idea, simply put it in a remote corner of the property.

The last thing I would do if I were you would be to put a major grow op in the middle of a field that will be used by thousands of people. That's taking the "hide in plane sight" idea a bit too litterally IMHO.

My handle says it all - what ever can go wrong, will go wrong. Plan accordingly. If you're using your business as a cover (I assume as a way to launder the money as well? Just a heads up, I have a pretty good accounting background, and if this is the case you'd be much better off using a higher volume cash business as a front, such as a bar) keep the legit activity and the grow op as physically seperate as you can. Keep the paint ball customers away from any where there will be pot, or anything to do with pot. You'll likely need several acres for this kind of thing? Surely you can find a nice tucked away little corner to put the op rather then right smack in the middle of the field?

Another thing, consider investing in a solar power source for your op. It's one more way to keep heat off you by keeping high power consumption off the books. I know you said you were going to use a generator, it's just another option. Higher start up cost, but it involves very little maintenance cost (none for fuel), and isn't prone to mechanical failure which could jeapordize a crop. Also, if set up with the lodge/office you won't have electrical costs for your business either. It might also get you some tax relief, which always helps a start up business.


Well-Known Member
Make sure you waterproof the balls out of that container, especially if you bury it....your gonna have to coat it with something inert and waterproof or wet dirt will rust that thing out in a year or less. Hope you see some really kickass bunkers in Iran to give you a few ideas ;)


Sector 5 Moderator
Hooahh Highyield! The first word of the day is "Com-Sec"; loose lips sink ships my friend - nuff said. You could drape heavy duty visqueen over the containers but there will still be a condensation possibility. You'll def need humidity and air flow control. If you need to bury several containers, I would advise having an underground concrete lined access to them. You would line them up side-by-side, as close as possible, draping them, covering the concrete access "cave" with appropriate, waterproof, sturdy materials, then backfill over everything. You would only need *one* point of entry for all of it and that could be disguised very stealthily. Your ingress/egress point would need to be out of sight, readily available and as inconspicuous as possible. Personally, I like the idea of buying a house with a basement - in the counrty - and doing a grow there. Best of luck and thank you for your service. Rangers lead the way!


Well-Known Member
made a deal though, if we get into it with Korea I can go, and with the way things are going it might come true. My fellow Americans, watch out for Korea, Iran and Pakistan. Trouble is brewing!

gl i live in switzerland ^^ lol ....


Hope your dream comes true dude... dont sell smoke it ^^ :P


Active Member
You're nuts. I'm not nocking your idea, but you're up against some prety standard obsticles people already mentioned. Hey whats if you do go overseas to serve (wchich I think is a very noble thing to do). 3 years is a long time. Friends will change, priorities will change. If anyone ever got caught its because they tell too many people, even girlfriends. They're nice when everything is cool, but you do something wrong where a girl will be hurt, she rats u out, you're fucked, property is seased, DONE! Doing this by yourself in a remote house in a basement is a far better idea, put some money aside and then build your dream field. Just sayin. Good luck dude!:weed: I still think you're crazy!

Murphys Law

Active Member
You're nuts. I'm not nocking your idea, but you're up against some prety standard obsticles people already mentioned. Hey whats if you do go overseas to serve (wchich I think is a very noble thing to do). 3 years is a long time. Friends will change, priorities will change. If anyone ever got caught its because they tell too many people, even girlfriends. They're nice when everything is cool, but you do something wrong where a girl will be hurt, she rats u out, you're fucked, property is seased, DONE! Doing this by yourself in a remote house in a basement is a far better idea, put some money aside and then build your dream field. Just sayin. Good luck dude!:weed: I still think you're crazy!

Dude, it seems like you are putting up all (or the majority) of the start up. You're basically financing an operation you will have very little control over for a long time. Plus, you have 5 sets of mouhs to keep shut. I promise you with something that big, one of them will slip up.

Simply put, the squeez aint worth the juice. You may have known them 15+ years... I can tell you when it comes to money and jail time, things change.v If you're putting up the cash any way, do it your self. That way it's only you that can fuck your self over. It's much easier to keep it on the DL that way.


Well-Known Member
I agree with Murphy on that one. I don't play well with others because if they fail and make me lose it's their ass I'm gunnin for. Thats why I wrestled in high school. If I lose it's on me. If I win it's because of me. No relying on people that can't perform. No worrying about if someone else is gonna F up and make me lose everything I have worked for. I grow, 1 Other person knows about my OP. I already served my 4 years and I know about opsec and comsec. That 1 person that knows is 1 to many but they are well aware of the consequences. Bottom line. This mission is best run solo. If you want to run a team. It better be small. Like 4 bodies. Think of all of the work you can do yourself. Do you really need like 20 blabbing mouths in the know? OK I'll shut up now.


New Member
I agree with Murphy too, and some others.
Friends Change! you can't trust anyone, it's the simple truth, believe it or not
Time changes everything! you think you can trust your friend right now, but once cash starts rolling in, everything changes again! and very quickly!

Keep business and other businesses seperate. Start small and you will see what is really necessary and what is just a huge risk.


Active Member
On top of what everyone else said you just told every where it is happening and I'm not sure you even realized it.

It is in a world class paintball arena in the dirt underneath a 3 story building. It will open in the next 3-5 years. Designed by an ex-marine.

If you insist on doing this with that many people then it would be far better to do multiple basement style grows instead of one huge one. It would limit your exposure to risk, not to mention bugs/diseases on your crop.

Just my .02