I have a few questions


Well-Known Member

1. Can I take clones from a budding plant?
2. Can I put a early staged (1week) budding plant back in to veg?

Details, In the Pinellas County Area I planted 4 bagseeds on January 1st and as you know almost anywhere the nights are longer than the days at this time. So about a week ago i noticed one of them shooting pistils, now 4 are shooting pistils, 3 are female and one is Hermie, but now the days are getting longer and nights shorter and they are in flowering stage, WHAT SHOULD I DO? Please help if you can! One of my plants are very healthy and other 2 are so-so, and the last one is smaller, but in smallest container, needs transplanted. The healthy ones pistils shoot straight and the other 3 are a little curly, and some of the hairs are browning at edges. When I get a better camera ill put some quality pictures up.:bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
This is also a grow journal! Any questions, thoughts, comments or anything is welcome, I will try to help, I know quite a bit I have spent months, not on and off or just like 10 minutes a day, like hours and hours almost everyday researching the process, and what it takes to grow marijuana although it can grow almost in spite of you, because it is a weed/ herb, but it takes talent to grow kick ass buds. the questions above may seem trivial and that of a newb, but idk no the answers to those questions, so i asked! I plan to do several grows this year, in my yard, the woods, and possibly indoors, also what is the cheapest i can set a grow room up for? about 6 plants. the minimum amount of stuff?


Well-Known Member
And is curing marijuana the same as aging marijuana? should i use a hood for a 1000 watt hps, or hang vertically next to plants, max amount of plants are 15(while budding, cfls or tubes will be used for vegg) heres a link to bulb and is it ok for budding and is the spectrum right? or something like this bulb, im definately getting a 1000watt hps.how hot do hps get? can a normal ocelating fan work to cool bulb? do i need to have a out take fan for fresh air?


Well-Known Member
1. yes you can take cuttings from a plant 1 week into flowering, infact your success rate should go up alot, they root easier at that age.

2. it will take at least 1.5 if not 2.5 or even 3 weeks to fully revert to vegitative and root good enouth to transplant.

curing is the process of equilibriating the humidity inside the budd to as low as possable throughout. if you take a plant and hang it untill they are dry and smoke it, it will be harsh, this is because only the outside of the budds are dry, when you cure you store the budds in a jar and open it ever day or 2 to release the moisture, this sucks the moisture from the inside of the budds to the outside, and when you open the jar all the moisture is released and the budds dry again, but just on the outside, then the proccess starts over, the longer its done the less harsh the smoke. its all about extracting water from inside the budds.


Well-Known Member
1. yes you can take cuttings from a plant 1 week into flowering, infact your success rate should go up alot, they root easier at that age.

2. it will take at least 1.5 if not 2.5 or even 3 weeks to fully revert to vegitative and root good enouth to transplant.

curing is the process of equilibriating the humidity inside the budd to as low as possable throughout. if you take a plant and hang it untill they are dry and smoke it, it will be harsh, this is because only the outside of the budds are dry, when you cure you store the budds in a jar and open it ever day or 2 to release the moisture, this sucks the moisture from the inside of the budds to the outside, and when you open the jar all the moisture is released and the budds dry again, but just on the outside, then the proccess starts over, the longer its done the less harsh the smoke. its all about extracting water from inside the budds.
Thank you, the help is very much appreciated, ++rep 4 u!


Active Member
Hey man i'm in Pasco county. We are pretty close, eh? Crappy day out today so that could of helped your day/night problem. There was nearly no sun today. I'm a total newb but it sounds logical to just take them inside in the dark for a bit if you're that worried


Well-Known Member
Hey man i'm in Pasco county. We are pretty close, eh? Crappy day out today so that could of helped your day/night problem. There was nearly no sun today. I'm a total newb but it sounds logical to just take them inside in the dark for a bit if you're that worried
That is what i was thinking. Do you have any grow questions, or any questions relating to marijuana in any way, if so im sure i can answer most of them, just feel free to ask:bigjoint: