I Have A ? For You Religious People.



ahaha im American and that is common knowledge lol .. i like this thread

but the bible isnt suppose to be tookin literal and many do not know it but the original story was adam and lilith or sum name like that

they were made separate and i guess she talked too much and had her own opinions .. adam didnt like it .. complained to god and he got rid of her then from adam's rib created eve as his second wife

**crazy** learned that in philosophy class one year

lol same here, American. I wasn't bashing Americans, just that it's no secret the majority of us really are not as educated as our European or Asian counterparts, specifically in the shit that actually matters, history, science, math..

I also heard about the Lillith story, and thought the same thing... none of that makes any fuckin' sense either... :o

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
Dude.The whole reason Christianity flourished was because they got in good with the Romans. The Roman Catholics are the closest thing to original as Christianity gets.
lol pope is head of a chruch BUT If a Roman Catholic believes in the official Roman Catholic teaching on salvation, then he is not a Christian since the official RCC position is contrary to scripture.


Active Member
Dude.The whole reason Christianity flourished was because they got in good with the Romans. The Roman Catholics are the closest thing to original as Christianity gets.
Catholicism quickly evolved into pure Babylonian Mystery Religion, with just a very small touch of real Christianity.

The Catholic Church outlawed reading of the Bible. How Christian is that?

Once the state gets involved in 'religion', Babylon dominates.

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
They kept the Bible in Latin for the longest time to keep the uneducated flock from reading, and thereby providing their own interpretation of, the words therein.Keeping them ignorant,and controllable.
Catholicism quickly evolved into pure Babylonian Mystery Religion, with just a very small touch of real Christianity.

The Catholic Church outlawed reading of the Bible. How Christian is that?

Once the state gets involved in 'religion', Babylon dominates.


Active Member
They kept the Bible in Latin for the longest time to keep the uneducated flock from reading, and thereby providing their own interpretation of, the words therein.Keeping them ignorant,and controllable.
Yep. And they killed people who tried to translate the Bible into languages that people could read.

In all cases, it isn't very Christian to do such things.

The state is always about raw power, which is why the US Constitution limits the powers the Federal government and military have. (but the Constitution doesn't mean shit anymore)
When religion mixes with the state, there is even more power involved. If people were allowed to read the Bible, and they understood it, the state would lose power.
In Europe though, Catholicism became even more powerful than the state, which was its spiritual downfall.
Christ's power isn't worldly.
But a ton of Christians would argue with this.

The point I was trying to make about Babylon is that the idea of making a tower (religion) and a city (government) goes way back to the foundations of the tower of Babel.
This idea of uniting religion and government is one of the foundations of Babylonian Mystery Religion.

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
I'm just waiting for religion to finally die.
Yep. And they killed people who tried to translate the Bible into languages that people could read.

In all cases, it isn't very Christian to do such things.

The state is always about raw power, which is why the US Constitution limits the powers the Federal government and military have. (but the Constitution doesn't mean shit anymore)
When religion mixes with the state, there is even more power involved. If people were allowed to read the Bible, and they understood it, the state would lose power.
In Europe though, Catholicism became even more powerful than the state, which was its downfall.
Christ's power isn't worldly.
But a ton of Christians would argue with this.

The point I was trying to make about Babylon is that the idea of making a tower (religion) and a city (government) goes way back to the foundations of the tower of Babel.
This idea of uniting religion and government is one of the foundations of Babylonian Mystery Religion.


Well-Known Member
Fish if you would just put yourself in our shoes for a second. It will be hard to do, but if you are serious about learning the truth and open minded like you have said then it may be worthwhile.

When we talk about evolution we can point to many different pieces of evidence like bones, dna, pictures of animals, brainscans, traits, emotional responces, speech, thought processes, on and on. Everything that has been found has worked in evolution.

I know that people that are pushing say that it has not, but it is untrue. Every piece of evidence has worked into the evolutionary theory (remember in science theory is a fact until proven wrong). The things that creationists point to when they say it has holes is what Darwin wrote, but Darwin was a couple hundred years ago and we have much better and more complete information now. Darwin is obsolete. He is like the first bicycle, it had most of the parts, but was nowhere near as well put together as todays.

Now we look at what we are arguing against. The only real reason that they fight so hard to dismiss the information is to protect a book that was written about 1500 years ago. And the Jewish Bible that was written about 3000 years ago (that is regarded as heathenism for praying to false gods (although it is what the new one is based on)). That is the only thing that is causing this argument.

Is there some neat point that they make, of course! I really like those pics that where on the links that you have put up about dinosaurs. But that doesn't mean that there is not other reasons that have better and more actual information supporting it.

See in science (which you almost look at as a religion which it is not. It would be like calling english language a religion) if something comes up that disproves the accepted theory careers are made! People would hurry to get it published, write books and go on world tours. But only after it held up to the questioning of peer revues where the other scientists get to poke their holes.

And only after it holds up to those poking do they get the credit. But that is the problem with intelligent design. It cannot hold up to the poking.

So to most scientist and people that have taken the time to learn about it, it is like they are trying to say that 1+1 = 5. And instead of trying to get the mathematical community behind it, they are going after the uneducated and teaching them this is the way. And then backdooring it to get it taught wrong to the children to get them converted into the 1+1 = 5 crowd to help build up their base of followers.

That may sound stupid, but that is exactly how we feel when people dismiss all this evidence.

And also you should know that all math equations like the Pythagorean Theorem
which can be proven time and time. Is still a theory, not a 'fact' by the definition of the creationists.


Good post Hannimal, couldn't have said it better myself, my sentiments exactly.


Active Member
Fish if you would just put yourself in our shoes for a second. It will be hard to do, but if you are serious about learning the truth and open minded like you have said then it may be worthwhile.

When we talk about evolution we can point to many different pieces of evidence like bones, dna, pictures of animals, brainscans, traits, emotional responces, speech, thought processes, on and on. Everything that has been found has worked in evolution.

I know that people that are pushing say that it has not, but it is untrue. Every piece of evidence has worked into the evolutionary theory (remember in science theory is a fact until proven wrong). The things that creationists point to when they say it has holes is what Darwin wrote, but Darwin was a couple hundred years ago and we have much better and more complete information now. Darwin is obsolete. He is like the first bicycle, it had most of the parts, but was nowhere near as well put together as todays.

Now we look at what we are arguing against. The only real reason that they fight so hard to dismiss the information is to protect a book that was written about 1500 years ago. And the Jewish Bible that was written about 3000 years ago (that is regarded as heathenism for praying to false gods (although it is what the new one is based on)). That is the only thing that is causing this argument.

Is there some neat point that they make, of course! I really like those pics that where on the links that you have put up about dinosaurs. But that doesn't mean that there is not other reasons that have better and more actual information supporting it.

See in science (which you almost look at as a religion which it is not. It would be like calling english language a religion) if something comes up that disproves the accepted theory careers are made! People would hurry to get it published, write books and go on world tours. But only after it held up to the questioning of peer revues where the other scientists get to poke their holes.

And only after it holds up to those poking do they get the credit. But that is the problem with intelligent design. It cannot hold up to the poking.

So to most scientist and people that have taken the time to learn about it, it is like they are trying to say that 1+1 = 5. And instead of trying to get the mathematical community behind it, they are going after the uneducated and teaching them this is the way. And then backdooring it to get it taught wrong to the children to get them converted into the 1+1 = 5 crowd to help build up their base of followers.

That may sound stupid, but that is exactly how we feel when people dismiss all this evidence.

And also you should know that all math equations like the Pythagorean Theorem
which can be proven time and time. Is still a theory, not a 'fact' by the definition of the creationists.

you do realise that there is no evidence for evolution as far as monkey to man?


Well-Known Member
you do realise that there is no evidence for evolution as far as monkey to man?
So I take it you would not put yourself in our shoes.

Oh well.

There is lots of evidence. If there was not, then the people that study this would not waste their time doing so, they could make more and better money doing something else.

There are bone fragments, dna samples, brain mapping, traits of understanding and thought, muscle specialists, body hair patterns, family groupings, so much it is the most logical conclusion, which is why it is made. There is a reason they don't say that we have evolved from gorillas. They got it very specific because of all the evidence.


Active Member
There is lots of evidence. If there was not, then the people that study this would not waste their time doing so, they could make more and better money doing something else.

There are bone fragments, dna samples, brain mapping, traits of understanding and thought, muscle specialists, body hair patterns, family groupings, so much it is the most logical conclusion, which is why it is made. There is a reason they don't say that we have evolved from gorillas. They got it very specific because of all the evidence.
you are choosing to believe that, which is why some people say its a religion
if it were a fact 100% no if ands or buts about it there would be no debate.


Well-Known Member
you are choosing to believe that, which is why some people say its a religion
if it were a fact 100% no if ands or buts about it there would be no debate.
I guess you do not understand, that this is putting all the evidence in one basket, I also choose to believe that 1+1=2. There is nothing that says that it is true, heck what is '1' besides a representation of something?

All the evidence that adds up to '1' makes it the best thing to follow.

Same with this. If something comes along that makes that evidence no longer hold up, then guess what that theory has to hold all the old evidence plus the new evidence.

Evolution is a collection of all the information and evidence that has been collected.

But the bible has no real evidence that they can point to that does not fit within the theory of evolution. All that it offers is faith, which is fine. But it is outdated. Figure you have two buckets one large and one small inside of it. The small one got filled with evidence and is overflowing into the larger bucket. The bible is the small bucket and the evidence that does not fit is being dumped out. The large bucket can hold everything that is in the small bucket and the information that is overflowing.

There could be more larger buckets, but to this point the current bucket just has not started to overflow.


Active Member
I guess you do not understand, that this is putting all the evidence in one basket,

Same with this. If something comes along that makes that evidence no longer hold up, then guess what that theory has to hold all the old evidence plus the new evidence.

Evolution is a collection of all the information and evidence that has been collected.
I understand what you believe and you really have good reason to believe it its pretty convensing..
jehovah witness are dead wrong about what they believe but when you listen to them they are very convensing and have good answers for questions that you ask them.

I do believe that scientist truley believe in evolution and when they find that little out of place fossil they come up with a reason for it and hold onto the evolution theory.

people can convence themselves to believe just about anything


Active Member
Fish, I've had just about enough of your ignorance. Since pointing out fact to you won't work hopefully this will:

Please chop your off fingers so we don't have to suffer through anymore of your posts. You don't want to learn, you just want to continue to act like the evidence that proves that the bible is a fictional piece of writing. You argue like a 12 year old kid and it is apparent that you have no business discussing anything more than the new hot wheel designs or how fast you can go on your big wheel.


Active Member
i dont know anything about hot wheels :(

have you given it any thought or just take what the majority of scientist tell you?

did you know for years scientist told people you kill brain cells when smoking weed?
they knew it wasnt true!!! but did that stop them from telling people that? NO, its one of the reasons marijuana is illegal
can we agree that a few scientist lie and those lies have fooled people for years?
is it possible say in 200 years that evolution can be proven not true? would you accept it?