I have a marijuana plant problem.


Well-Known Member
My Purple Kush does the same thing.
She's a nute hog and I have to feed just about every water, and every other feed, I throw in a little extra Ca/Mg.


Well-Known Member
Shit I think it looks great, you're always gonna find a blemish or discoloration somewhere if you look hard enough. If I can stand a couple feet away and the plants looks greeen, all is well as far as I'm concerned. (Not a good rule of thumb for mites though, gotta look close for those bastards when they first appear)


Well-Known Member
Older leaves that have been touched more will have some weird discoloring... now she's in bud, do you go less on the "N" of NPK ? Might want to add a little more N...
If new growth looks fine with no dis-coloring ... it's fine... older leaves just loosing there green....
Good Luck man... overall looks pretty....


Thats typically where nute burn happens but it is very mild if it is nute burn. Possibly just mixed the nutes a little hot once or twice.

You don't really need to change a thing. Nice plant


Well-Known Member
hey guys thanks for the responses .

1- I don't think it's heat, it's 9 inches under a 250 watt hps with a fan blowing inbetween bulb and top of plant. Not saying it's definitely not ,but unlikely.

2 - I feed her every watering with grow and bloom formula. lately she gets 2mls grow and 2 mls bloom per litre every watering. This is the intructions on the bottle, it's organic nutrients (biobizz) and basically what I have read is that it is very very hard to burn your plants with it. I might go easier on the grow ,maybe down to 1 ml

Nute burn you say heathen , that might be it you know. Maybe me adding the Epsom salt along with the grow and bloom has burnt her a little. I read that biobizz soil needs magnesium supplementation at around 20 days flower. But because she stretched so much by day 10 gave her a small dose ,and the tips of these same leaves went yellow/light green , then 2 days ago I gave her the larger dose of magnesium and now I have this..

nute burn starting to sound like a possibility?


Well-Known Member
Magnesium when it's not the problem can block out calcium and iron, but it's actually hard to overfeed epsom salts. When you actually need epsom salts (MgSO4.7H2O), you usually need a lot because a low percentage of that is actually magnesium. MgSO4.7H2O has a molar mass of 246g while Mg has a molar mass of 24.3g. That means that by mass, epsom salts is 9.87% Mg while the rest is SO4 and H2O.


Well-Known Member
Hmm ,so apart from too close to the light which I don't think it is, and nute burn from the Epsom, which you don't think it is.. what possibilities does that leave? Or is it really nothing to worry about for 25 days of flowering a 50 day (supposesedly ) strain. My c99 started to go the same last grow and finished pretty awful looking.. really don't want that to happen again.


Well-Known Member
Don't worry about it. If it gets worse like your last grow, it will become way more obvious what's wrong with it.


Well-Known Member
nute burn starting to sound like a possibility?
Doesn't look like burn to me but what do I know. You're there, I'm not.

If it were me (and maybe I overlooked something you said earlier) I'd bump up the N a bit and add cal-mag 1 tsp/gal. If they showed improvement by next watering I'd bump the N again and keep up with the cal-mag

I still think they look great and don't think you have a problem.