I have a offer to the right person

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its not a he, its a SHE. god damn, to fuck an nordic icelandic chick--thats actually one of my fantasies man, lol. N to get paid to go to iceland, fuck her all day, and grow her a copious amount of dank -- to be honest that sounds to me like the fuckin deal of the century. reguardless of how shady it might seem, it aint like shes a cop, she lives in ICELAND, lol. Only reason i wouldnt go is because i dont think i could handle eating fermented shark for 4 months, lol.

Someone should take her up on this offer man. i want a pussy report :D
I'm "self-employed" now unless you want me to grow in Amsterdam . . . . If that is the case can I leave tonight?
Well odds are...

But ok, I'll bite. How ya going to contact us when you can't pm us, or us contact you when you have no contact listed?

I'll do it. I'm telepathically trying to speak to you about this, please tune me in.

Will we be required to swallow balloons, have anything taped to out bodies, or be asked to carry any new bags or etc on the way out of the country? Can I skip ending up on the show "Locked up Abroad"?

I'd really do it though if the job were legit, but hell this IS the safe place to talk about it if you talk in PM, and I sure as shit am not giving a phone number or email address cause I don't want any uninvited guests.

The job you propose doesn't sound illegal technically, if you propose it as only grow room setup so I suggest you do that if you are serious and talk freely in PM on here. Many who will want to do something like this if real simply do not qualify, and more details on the grow ROOM you might want to set up might help weed out those who don't have that particular area of expertise. All growing is not the same, you may need someone with electrical engineering or even programming experience depending on what you might want and I do have those, but on the flip side even though I know more than most about hydro because I fart around and read way too much doesn't mean I'm really the pro on that considering I've never actually done hydro. I sure could set it up and pull it off, but nobody here not even myself would claim to be the best person for a bleeding edge hydro grow off the bat, I'd have to get a crop or two under my belt.

Probably not one person _on this area_ of this board has ever had any experience in setting up anything of the scale you suggest you might be looking at except perhaps Growtec and even then I dunno really, though he wouldn't have told us if he had. :(

I know I know why am I wasting my time with all this.

I dunno, it's a nice dream compared to reality of my current job seeking miserable life at the moment.
its not a he, its a SHE. god damn, to fuck an nordic icelandic chick--thats actually one of my fantasies man, lol. N to get paid to go to iceland, fuck her all day, and grow her a copious amount of dank -- to be honest that sounds to me like the fuckin deal of the century. reguardless of how shady it might seem, it aint like shes a cop, she lives in ICELAND, lol. Only reason i wouldnt go is because i dont think i could handle eating fermented shark for 4 months, lol.

Someone should take her up on this offer man. i want a pussy report :D

haha, damn... *thinks about it.*
Damn it, GrowTech beat us to it. He's going to be banging some hot Icelandic chick, long blonde hair, blue eyes, huge boobs, gives great BJ's, rich, growing dope, I'd risk a kidney for that. :)
I'll go but i'll have you know i carry a gun at all times and i am also a double blackbelt in jujitsu. Also i will not be payed in oral sex

LFAO this thread has brightened my day haha
I not going to north korea and giving suck sucks to "BIG ILL" for no amount of money.. But you you could buy alot of mouth wash with 5 billion dollors....i'm just sayin'
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