I have a problem,is there someone to help me?(Pictures)


Well-Known Member
Are you talking about the yellowing?
What medium are you using?
Heat/Humidity , Nutrients, we need to know more!

Bilbo Baggins

Well-Known Member
Magnesium Deficiency 1.jpgThat could be good old fashioned nitrogen deficiency or maybe magnesium deficiency ( see Pic ), for nitrogen --feed, even during veg---for magnesium def-- teaspoon of Epsom salts in a 2 litre bottle of water--water plants with this and repeat every 3 weeks right through grow.


Well-Known Member
Hello!I have a problem with my plant...:( Thank's to evry body who try to help me...
How big your Pot...
Nutes? How often...
Soil/Hydro what?
How long have plants been in present medium...
If soil did you mix it yourself?


Well-Known Member
Looks like a N deficiency to me. If you're using bloom nutes that are high in P and lacking in N, you should find a more balanced NPK....something like 20-20-20. Feeding your plant some bat guano mixed with water will halt the yellowing....don't use too much though.


Well-Known Member

They look hungry to me. I would raise the EC/PPM.

I'm assuming your growing hydro, I seen your old sig, and plants look like they are in rockwool... main thing is checking pH twice a day until you know how it fluctuates. Then know whether to change res or adjust pH.

I have never used rockwool and hydrocorn together cause the CEC (CATION EXCHANGE CAPACITY) of those are different. Hydrocorn has a neutral pH and works great alone, but rockwool requires nuts a slightly lower pH for optimal nutrient uptake.