I have a problem plant and could use some advice.


Like I said in an older post, I have another airstone on back order, I do not think I can pull another out of my ass do you? I live in the middle of nowhere with no hydro stores around so I'm dependent on getting my shit online there wiseass!

bigv1976, I don't have a clue knob is. Seeing how this is
my 1st hydro grow I came here for advice, so if it means I'm new to all this you hit the nail on the head. I'm a 53 year old man, I do not know all your young slang. I came here looking for help not a bunch of crap from a punk! People like you are why alot people do not post there problems. Infact in this very post we already decided that more air was needed. So I ask you, what was the point of your post?


Snow Crash, these guys from Sunlight Sheds say to run this Moon Dust crap at 1500 to 1600 ppm. Is this not a little too high? I do want to say thankyou to those of you that have helped me in this and I mean this. There's no need for a bunch of slams, it's not productive to me or anyone who does a search for there answers to there problems. I do have one last question. How much longer would you think it will be before these start flowering? I'm still using the 400 watt MH bulb, trying to let the AK's to catch up a little before I put the HPS in. I wouldn't think this matters seeing how these are auto's. What's your opinion? Thanks!

Snow Crash

Well-Known Member
Hey man, I don't think that cloning Auto's is a regular practice but it can be done. Ultimately it might wind up decreasing your harvest. I've never run Auto-Flowering plants before so I don't really know what'd happen with that.

I think you could do 2 or 3 clones, probably wouldn't hurt anything and at the very least it'd be good practice for the future.

With the ppm's it is hard to say. I find that about 1200 is when I start seeing negative effects in coco. Some plants really need those high ppms, up to 2000 on occasion. Just try to listen to the plant and I think 1000ppm is going to be plenty during late veg and early flowering. My ppm levels go from 400 to 600 to 800 to 950 to 800 to 500 to 100 to 0 over the course of any grow to give you an example. I'm really unfamiliar with these nutrients but I think their suggestions aren't so far off to warrant suspicion.

I wish there was a "test" plant you had in a separate reservoir to try it out on. I'm starting to learn that having a test plant, about 2 weeks in front of the rest of the strain, makes handling problems quite a bit easier. Give it a shot though. Work it up slowly every day. Increase your ppms by 50 to 100 every day. With your hydro setup it should take mere hours to see if the ppms are too high. When you reach that point then just back those nutrients off to where it was when the plants were doing well. No need to do anything extreme like flush, just figure out where the ceiling is and then stay below that. If you hit 1500ppm without a ceiling I'd just stop there and ride that out for a bit.

I'm assuming you're already planning out your next grow. What will you be doing, if anything, different next time around?


To start with I'm going to stick to no more than 7 plants that grow at about the same rate. I plan to grow the 3 AK47's I have left, 1 Heavyweight Shooting Star along with 2 or 3 Lowboldts. Depends on how these taste and work as to using the Moon Dust they sent with system, it's easy to use and forgiving, but the final product will decide that I'll probably go with the Nutriant Advantage products. I hear nothing but good things on there product line. Other than this, I've learned a few things the hard way like I always do. I guess if everything keeps on going as it is, not too bad for my 1st hydro grow. I should know soon enough, I'm just concerned with room at this point.


One thing I've noticed twice this week, is that the plants are going thru around a gallon of water per day and the PH is starting to run low by the time I feed them. Last time I even had to add PH up which I never have had to do before, is this normal?


This is what I found out, These larger plants are called HeavyWeigh Shooting Star Autoflowering. The problem now is they didn't autoflower. Talked to Hebies and was told to go 12/12, I took one to my neighbors brought total number of air stones to 4 five and one half inch stones, I also added Bush Master hight inhebitor.

This is where I'm at, totally running out of room. Does anyone have any other ideas besides removing another? Thanks!