I have a question that needs a answer pleace! :)


Active Member
So I have been wondering lately that there is never news about bud in Utah why is this state so lame I mean like I live here in Utah but its just really a ghost state kinda its bugs the hell out of me it might be the :joint:lamest state ever!!! So does anyone think they will think about having a bill for Utah to decriminalize the use to smoke Medical :peace:Marijuana? So all my pot friends light up a joint with me and try to find me a answer Please and Thank you for those who reply!!! :):confused:


Well-Known Member
Probably not anytime soon. not enough movement in the state to make it happen. Gotta make some noise to get anything even noticed by your politicians...


Well if it gets passed federally then any one can obtain mj regardless of local law. whether the bill will be passed or not I'm not sure. I know medical cards were given to patients here in California for the past 15 years. This was the first state to prescribe for medical use.... Is alcholol a medicine? is cigarrette a medicine? What happens when somone who is depressed and suicidal or whatever starts drinink??? Hmm i know to many people that fucked there life because of that. So lets see whats natural and good for you we make illeagle and what messes u up we don't. People as a whole are very interesting. I don't understand the concept at all. Probably just to keep the phamaceutical campanies eating our money. The number one cause of death now days is from smoking ciggerrettes, thats what a DR told me.. So then if we keep people on shit that messes them up this brings money to pharmaceutical industries wich are trillionare businesses because of these substances... If you look at the advertisements in the 40's you will see that DR's would be advertising the cigerretts.?? Also there has been Pharmaceutical companies like "Phizer" caught doing dirty biased studys on put to make it look bad. Thats the proof look it on google. sorry its not legal in ur state.


Well-Known Member
Nicely done k2!!! bravo for that!!! thta is what you need in Utah to get something done!! a person who is pissed off at the government, and all the bullshit politicians that can not seem to get it right!!