I have a question.

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Well-Known Member
NO, they knew damn well what they were doing and they thought it was cute, or funny, or whatever. they have been warned, numerous times. you all have. in week you will all try it again. you all think it's a game and it's not. why must you all continue putting us thru this?
Don't worry I'm not posting any extractions or teks. No plan to, like I said all the information someone wants for extractions,synthesizations and teks can be found on other sites. I understand where your coming from. Won't mention it again.


Well-Known Member
you sound like a victim. put you thru what??? sounds to imo(which doesnt matter) they hurt your pride by brushing you off. sorry we have been warned...goes to corner.
a victim of continually having to moderate this section because of all the members who insist on doing whatever THEY feel is right. regardless of the feelings of the site owner and mods.

you have all been warned, over, and over, and over a again. yet here i am wasting more of my time having to keep you all in check. so yes, i am somewhat of a victim. :(

my "pride" has nothing to do with site rules. though i can see how it can be ones only defense in cases such as these. you really have no argument.


the sticky was never intended to be permanent.... it was something I took upon myself to put up just to clear up any confusion as it was becoming an issue again. I'm not even too clear on it all myself, so it wasnt a permanent sticky... I thought people would respect my warning, but as usual, people have to push shit until something happens. Something happened.


Well-Known Member
self destruct date huh? never heard of such a thing.or maybe it was removed by a mod with a vendetta.
sounds like a feeble attempt at an accusation. like a mod wouldn't just come right out with it. :roll: i certainly did. :)

mods don't act on vendettas. they act upon the guidelines of the rules. when you all chose to break the rules you get to deal with the mods. it's all out in the open. as far as i can tell.


Well-Known Member
it's the acetones, and thinners, and napthas, and whatever other paint stripping products and chemicals that are being used that concern us. this is a pot site so naturally honey oil is allowed. and the hallucinogen section was originally intended for shrooms.

i'm sure there are other forums out there for more complex drugs. this just isn't one of them.
naptha is a lighter fluid just like the butane used in BHO only cleaner, and the only non-food safe product needed(using the food safe tek) for the main item people want to talk about but cant.


Well-Known Member
it sure looks like one, and im not breaking any rules to point out facts people ignore. there are even teks that dont require any non-food safe items if people so desired.


yeah sorriest shite ive met in awhile online or in real life
if not being able to post extraction threads is the worst you've felt fucked over in life, you've got alot coming to you ;) I personally dont care for the rule, but its not a big deal to me, like its been said before, there'e plenty of other/better places to discuss things of that nature.


Well-Known Member
it sure looks like one, and im not breaking any rules to point out facts people ignore. there are even teks that dont require any non-food safe items if people so desired.
now you've lost me. i have no idea what you are arguing about anymore.
if not being able to post extraction threads is the worst you've felt fucked over in life, you've got alot coming to you ;) I personally dont care for the rule, but its not a big deal to me, like its been said before, there'e plenty of other/better places to discuss things of that nature.
your right and i wil be enjoying my time else where.
I've been thinking about the whole extraction thing for a while, and I think I may understand a little more. This is a medical-marijuana site. The operators of this site are trying to keep up a certain level of legitimacy, and don't want the powers that be interfering with this site because a few "nefarious" people want to post how-to's on "hard" drugs. Having extractions on "taboo drugs" on this site may further influence the "taboo" connotations of marijuana as well.

Just a thought.
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