Straight up G
New Member
I was harsh but others have already tried to explain that you are doing it completely wrong selling shit little amounts to way too many people who will rat you out, the risk not being worth the reward you really aren't comprehending the risk but you won't even listen to the drug dealers themselves who are trying to tell you how to be more successful with less risk.
So in that sense you are right, there is nothing you can gain from any of us and you might as well ignore this thread from now on.
Good luck man, shit I hope you aren't a statistic some day with a degree he can't even use because he has a drug dealing charge on his record so nobody will hire him anyway. In your entire career as a dealer in school you aren't going to make enough to pay for one lawyer to fight even one basic charge for selling a single joint at the rate you are going.
I just tried to say if you want to be a drug dealer do it right or don't do it at all. Everything you've said about what you are doing is wrong, shit man you are carrying on school grounds all the time while selling on school grounds too are you really that retarted do you know how many years that adds up to given the extra's for within school grounds and dealing to minors? You don't even have to get busted in a transaction because you're being so nice as to always carry a few dime bags on you so they have an automatic posession with intent to distribute rather than if you just had one bag on you.
We'll see you again when you're let out at about age 30-35, when the only option left is dealing full time because of your felony record, then you'll listen to how to do it right.
Harsh but true.