i have a unique problem!!!!!!


Active Member
I'm not sure whats going on.. I think its too much light, i don't know. heres the setup; its a dwc roughly 25 gallon reservoir, 400 watt hps 2x2x2. 3 plants... unknown genetics; bag seed. i have been using lst throughout the grow to make them fit (obviously) i have a known calcium deficiency which i believe can be attributed to ph fluctuations. the big question here is what is causing these deformities. everything i know about our little hobby has come from rollitup (props to everybody!) you guys i need help!!!!!
heres some pics.... I NEED ALL THE ADVICE I CAN GET.
sorry if the pix are a little big, but please please please post advice!!!!


Active Member
i clipped alot of the deformed leaves so they would be gone mostly. i've been so proud of this grow... my 1st! up until now, i would hate to be the first guy who decide he needed a smaller light!


Well-Known Member
I kind of doubt it as far as the lighting, but yeah, the plants have an odd look. You are basically trying to duplicate sunlight and it's pretty damn hard to get as bright or intense as the sun.

I don't know anything about hydro growing, but I did want to point out that you've got one thing a little backwards -- your pH issues are likely due to a calc deficiency (search Google for water buffering capacity, alkalinity), not the other way around.


Well-Known Member
Too much light?....No 400 watts is not "too much" for 3 plants

Lights too close maybe? you should be able to put your hand just over the tops of the plants and be comfortable...if your hand feels like its getting hot the its too hot for your plants and you need to move the lights higher.

thats all i got, i dont grow indoor sorry


Well-Known Member
I think your funky ph is causing some nute uptake problems. Not only for Calcium, but also for things like Boron and Molybdenum thus leading to birth defects and mongoloidism of some leaves.


Active Member
thanks for all your help. ummm.... the heat don't really get over 84F in the box, i looked up Molybdenum defs, but what can you do to fix that? my PH is in the 5.5 range right now (liquid pool tester). i bought some ph up, snd got the ph up to the 6.5 range last week, but it semed to worsen the cal def. im using flora nova, and flora grow for nutes. they're supposed to have ph buffers in 'em to keep 'em right. when those things got up to the glass ( wich is seperating the light form the plants, keeps the box in the 80's(f) they started to look like the pics, so i kinda supercropped the stalks to keep 'em down and they got better. so in summation, what should i get to cure a Molybdenum def, and i've heard like some kind of cal rich foliar feed would cure the cal def, but what will stop the deformities? anything, or am i fucked?:twisted:


Active Member
oh, right the ph wuz in the high 7's so i changed the rez and got into the high 5's i dont have a electric ppm meter r nothing (yet) it stopped the damage, but it aint healed yet (3 days)


Well-Known Member
I think the nutes you have right now are fine, everything you need is in there, it's just a matter of getting them to the plant. For hydro you want your ph about 5.6-5.8. You fix that and everything else will follow.