i have an opossum in my armpit


Well-Known Member
Find a humane animal control program. They feed that little one, make it nice and strong, and then let it out in the wild. That's what I'd do with that possum. I personally hate possums but I'm a lover of life so I'd let the little guy live.


Well-Known Member
just got back from wildlife rescue. one of the little guys showed up in the backyard at 1 pm today. it was warm and bright and sunny out. he was teetering on the edge of the cats water bowl trying to get a drink. he didn't look so hot. he could barely hold himself up and his head was swaying back and forth. he didn't look good.

so i called the rescue center and they said to bring him in. they took a quick peek at him while we were there and said he just looked a little under nourished. they will nurse him back to health then allow us to take him back and release him back to the wild. i have to call tomorrow to check on him. once he's all better i get him back. pretty cool.
Find a humane animal control program. They feed that little one, make it nice and strong, and then let it out in the wild. That's what I'd do with that possum. I personally hate possums but I'm a lover of life so I'd let the little guy live.

:joint: bongsmilie :eyesmoke: :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
i called the rescue center today to check on my baby. they told me he didn't make it thru the night. :( :(


Well-Known Member
had one wiggle under the back door last night. he came into my kitchen twice. they are getting big and starting to have to look harder for more food. each night they seem to travel further. they were staying around the patio, now they are out in the yard. soon they will just "move on".

i stuff a towel under the door at night now so they can't get in the house. i think they are going after the cat food.


Well-Known Member
so they are somewhat grown up now. still have a couple running around. we actually had 5 raccoons in our kitchen the other night, but that's a whole other thread. there is one opossum that comes down off the roof every night. we have a ramp i built for the cats that he uses. i can hear his claws scratching the corrugated roofing as he comes down so i run out there. he goes into the cat house i built. so i am now hand feeding him little treats. tonight he had some ritz crackers and chocolate donuts holes.

he hides in the middle room of the cat condo. there is an entrance above below and to the side. i feed him thru the side hole. i have to stick my hand in there to feed him. they slobber a lot and remind me of the monsters from "the village". but they are actually really cute. he took the ritz cracker out of my hand with his teeth, then grabbed it with his paw and ate it like a cookie. they can use their hands much like a raccoon can. their bodies just aren't as limber.

i saw a smaller "baby" one running down our pathway earlier. apparently they breed pretty good. they haven't caused any problems yet and they love leftovers so it's all working out well.



Well-Known Member
Shame man, its sooooooo cute, animal protection services will likely just put it to death.
I wouldn;t feed the wild ones though, they will become tamer and associate people with food wich leads to them becomeing a targeted nuisance.


Well-Known Member
mom lives in the yard somewhere. she had 3 or 4 on her belly 2 weeks ago. i built a ramp to the roof for the cats. the momma uses it to get to the roof them she goes into the attic of the patio. he must have fallen off of her. he was alone in the backyard 2 mornings ago at sunrise crying for her. i think he fell off and he's too small to get up the ramp. i don't know what to do. i have been waiting for her for 2 nights now so i can give him back. he looks really scared and sad and lonely. :cry:
try give wild life manament a call tell them you found him. they may be able to point you to where to take him. mmm stew tho he is small


Active Member
I used to hate all those scavenger critters (opossums, racoons, etc..). Untill one day while I was fishing a couple young racoons came up to us and we gave them some shrimp to munch on. Really awesome little guys, they took the shrimp, hung out a little and then were on their way. I think I have a picture somewhere


Well-Known Member
"targeted nuisance"?

i don't know what that is.
For example by us, people feed baboons, which then start breaking in to houses etc... eventualy people start seting dogs loose on them and shooting them with .22's (illegaly of course).

P.S. is that a kribensis of some sort in the avatar in the post above this one?


Well-Known Member
Its awesome, very reminicent of the rainbow colouring on kribs. Except they don't ahve the patches on the side and they have dots on the tail.
