tip top toker
Well-Known Member
if you really have a degree in botany then you should understand how defoliation would bring the process of translocation to a halt.
or how being an inefficient grower is in no way good.
anyone can get a degree anymore.
hmmm, I wonder why we don't defoliate apple trees during the summer? Or pick all the leaves off a grape vine?
why have plants with leaves at all? It seems like they would grow naturally with just stalks and fruit if this would produce more?
why the fuck do trees have leaves?
Hit a nail on the head with that one. every other plant and fruit we have, we just let it do it's thing, we use water straight from the hose, use any plant food on offer at the garden center, but the moment it get's to cannabis, oh no, we have to do 101 things under the guise of it being right, or better. But that seems to run with the pre-conception of growing things. You grow 10 different fruits in your garden, whoo-fucking-hoo, you grow one cannabis plant and you're suddenly seen as some horticultural god

This thread is very simple really. The grower grew a plant, and then chopped it to shit so that he could start from scratch and scrog it, it has nothing to do with defoliation, or increasing yields, or any such bullshit. He cocked up and essentially started from scratch and got the same yield he would have gotten had he just grown it properly in the first place. But instead of just accepting he cocked up, tries to turn it around as "this new amazing way of growing"
Next time you try and argue the case of defoliation, at least do a side by side, and at least end up with something a little less embarassing than 5 ounces. Fuck, i've grown plants with 2 weeks of veg without any training that got that yield.