I have defoliated my plants in the hope to increase my yeild :)

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I didn't read the last 12 pages or so. I'm just a n00b so have no dog in this fight. It did appear from the first few posts from the OP that he was looking for the negative reaction just to say "Na uh, see it really does work."

So to the others complaining about the negative comments and piling on the nay-sayers, it looks like the OP got what he was after. Congrats.

Just my honest opinion and observation.
It wouldn't be a hoax if finshaggy posted it, as he truly believes everything he posts as correct, it's just the rest of the world that questions him
I liked his thread about worm farms. He used them to collect castings and he even put worms into potted plants. The poor worms. It was genocide. They didn't stand a chance.
I liked his thread about worm farms. He used them to collect castings and he even put worms into potted plants. The poor worms. It was genocide. They didn't stand a chance.

poor finshaggy didn't stand a chance from the day his drunken whore mother conceived him..... at times I truly feel sorry for the poor bastard trying to survive in this world with so few active brain cells
I'm going to go out on a limb here and presume that I speak for Chuck as well as myself when I say this to all of you who think ideas like this are sound botanical procedures. This is a newbie central forum and as such is read by ACTUAL newbies looking for advice. Placing this insanity in this forum unchallenged is simply unconscionable and I and many others will spend our valuable time debunking this bullshit with actual science so the folks who need help don't run afoul of these silly notions that crop up constantly.
All right, I had to finally jump in.
Great point CaretakerDad.
I have been following this thread for a day or so now.
I have never removed a single leaf in 3+ years of running a perpetual.
I do a four cola mainlining LST thing.
I am disappointed by yields less than 3 oz. I average 4-4.5 consistently.
The funny thing is I do this with all T5s.
24, four footers, all in a daisy chain.
No defoliation, and I have hundreds of pics on RIU and in my journals.
Talk about defying lumen myth and use of light.
My HO T5s alternate color spectrum in a pattern. R/Y/R/B, R,Y,R,B....repeated down the line.
I have no need, nor desire to defy nature and physically remove anything that hasn't fallen off.
poor finshaggy didn't stand a chance from the day his drunken whore mother conceived him..... at times I truly feel sorry for the poor bastard trying to survive in this world with so few active brain cells

He's a bright kid but he speaks a language only he can understand. Watch, now he'll invent something revolutionary and make us all look like fools. Even Einstein couldn't tie his own shoe laces.
Was meant at your first 2 posts in this thread. Did more good than arguing :D
this is what it comes down to. do you want to have to eat a bowl of cereal ever day for a week before you can get the prize out? or do you want to be the kid who dumps it out and gets the prize now?
Lower budsites do what they do because of a hormonal response. It has nothing to do with light. You do not even know basic plant functions.

So what you're saying is that if you grow using a vertical hanging lamp and surround it with plants, the lower and middle buds grow bigger and fatter on the inside towards the lamp because of hormones and not because they are closer to the light? The middle and lower branches on the outside of the circle grow smaller for the same reasons?

I know this from experience not from what I've read on the internet.

So please explain why the plant grows unevenly with bigger buds towards the light, because according to you the position of the light or the light itself in fact has nothing to do with bud size?? It's hormones apparently!!

Now this may well be due to a hormonal response telling the plant to focus it's bud building energy to that side of the plant, as it's getting more light than the side in the shade? You tell me, you're the one with the botany degree?

But don't try and tell me that lower buds don't benefit from more light because you are talking utter rubbish!
So what you're saying is that if you grow using a vertical hanging lamp and surround it with plants, the lower and middle buds grow bigger and fatter on the inside towards the lamp because of hormones and not because they are closer to the light? The middle and lower branches on the outside of the circle grow smaller for the same reasons?

I know this from experience not from what I've read on the internet.

So please explain why the plant grows unevenly with bigger buds towards the light, because according to you the position of the light or the light itself in fact has nothing to do with bud size?? It's hormones apparently!!

Now this may well be due to a hormonal response telling the plant to focus it's bud building energy to that side of the plant, as it's getting more light than the side in the shade? You tell me, you're the one with the botany degree?

But don't try and tell me that lower buds don't benefit from more light because you are talking utter rubbish!
you are comparing a 4-6 ft plant to a vert style growing where the plant is very small. all the energy can be used to create a big fat bud, But it is a very small yield per plant. you really can't use that as a comparison. In order to match yield, a vert has to do WAY more plants. But it's nice that you thought you won one,lmao
Well then how come when growing vertical barebulb us vertical growers get solid dense nug from bottom to top of each plant hmmmmmm?

Voodoo magic according to these guys on here!!

I'll come and dunk you in the village pond Ou8a, if you drown then you aren't a wizard!! :-?
Voodoo magic according to these guys on here!!

I'll come and dunk you in the village pond Ou8a, if you drown then you aren't a wizard!! :-?
why don't you follow your hero's link to his grow where he lollipopped the bottom half of his plants. No wonder, he has no lower branches. they are not a cola from top to bottom. Jees.
He's a bright kid but he speaks a language only he can understand. Watch, now he'll invent something revolutionary and make us all look like fools. Even Einstein couldn't tie his own shoe laces.

LOL, you may be right as often it's a fine line between a genius and an idiot, but I'm convinced he's a victim of alcohol syndrome, and that's why I refer to his mother as the drunken whore.
you are comparing a 4-6 ft plant to a vert style growing where the plant is very small.

No I'm not, you're just assuming that's what I meant!

What I said has nothing to do with the size or number of plants, I'm talking about the positioning of your lamp.

My point was that lower buds will grow bigger and fatter if they can get a decent amount of light as with vertical hanging lamps, Alexander disagrees and believes it to be down to hormones and not the lamps position. I think you should let Alexander reply to the questions that I put to him, as he has all of the answers.

If you are going to chip in to this discussion then please try to understand what is being said!! I thought you were busy inventing the light that shines from all angles anyway, I have cash waiting!! Until you do I'll keep removing leaves so that the light can penetrate unhindered to the lower buds.

Still WINNING!!!
Ah......how come it always turns into name-calling and making it personal after about 2 pages of these threads?

This entire defoliating debate has been hashed out 100's of times on here and it always turns into a "who can bash the other one more creatively than the other?"

I personally don't defoliate....did it before and didn't like the results. Click on my signature link and see what a plant looks like with the leaves on that the plant feels it needs. Yes, I get some yellowing and dead leaves at the bottom of my plants...not a lot, but just the ones the plant feels it doesn't need anymore.

I do believe that defoliating done by someone very skilled at doing so may have a small advantage in yield, but that skilled person probably dropped a bunch of yield getting to that point. I for one don't want to go through that learning process and will live with my 5+ ounce average per plant.
Ah......how come it always turns into name-calling and making it personal after about 2 pages of these threads?

I for one don't want to go through that learning process and will live with my 5+ ounce average per plant.

I don't really understand why people are so anti defoliation, there isn't this much hate for other techniques. Did Hitler defoliate his plants or something?

You're the second person that mentioned that they are happy with their 5 oz plants, and that's fine really it is!!

Keef who wrote the article on groweedeasy is getting 8 to 14 oz per plant using one 400w HID, and using the highly skilled technique of pulling leaves off.

I don't know why he bothers when he could leave the leaves on and get less than half as much?
I don't really understand why people are so anti defoliation, there isn't this much hate for other techniques. Did Hitler defoliate his plants or something?

I think maybe the reaction is so visceral because a lot of small-scale growers become quite fond of their plants. We talk gently to them and brush our fingers across their leaves. Well, I do anyway...

An emotional bond develops. Who knows if it's a two way street or not? The plant is a living creature and some people are more in tune to that sort of thing than others.

To do something so violent to a living creature that you're feeling affectionate towards is just ... I don't know, it just seems evil. Even if I thought it was a valid method I couldn't do it.
To do something so violent to a living creature that you're feeling affectionate towards is just ... I don't know, it just seems evil. Even if I thought it was a valid method I couldn't do it.

That sums up how I feel about the subject, as I won't LST either for the same reason.
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