i have had to bring indoors

hi there all was just wondering if i will have stunted growth as the weather is crap and have brought the ladys indoors will it stunt their growth thay bin outside all summer flowering started two weeks ago but temps in the uk really dropping so have brought inside and put under 140watt hps will she be ok


Well-Known Member
just bring it in at night bro. plants can take mid 40f lower 50f(sorry, i dont know celsius) just about every night for the last 6-8 weeks and if its going under 40f is my for sure bring them inside for the night cut off. their will be a large difference if you just use a 140w hps(you mean 150w? ive never heard of 140w.) the sun beats the hell out of hps the way hps beats the hell out of cfls.


Active Member
I agree I'd keep it in the sun if ya can... But they should do fine as long as your putting light on em...
i have two 70 watts dark thats why but there is no actual sun at all just cold damp and wet and a few gale force gushes which took my plastic greenhouse down the garden


Well-Known Member
is it going to stay like that or are you just having really bad weather? those conditions would probably make me bring my plants in too to be honest. i'd get them outside if the weather improves enough but if you need to keep them inside-well, you gotta do what you gotta do.
it looks like our winter has set in m8 my girls have bin inside for 2 days i have put them on 11/13 11 is the light on they seem to be producing more pistols now i will have to wait an c if it picks up outdoors do thay take longer to flower when outdoors because not alot seemed to be happening it seems to be picking up now tho


Active Member
If you get some sunny days in the future depending on the temp I'd throw them back outside cuz the sun now produces more red spectrum than blue and it's natural so can go wrong there but good luck hope it works for ya... Were still have high 90's weather here so I've got no worries until November...


Sector 5 Moderator
Last year there was a damn helicopter flying over my house and my grow was about 50 yards from the house. I dug my plants up that evening and put them in the basement to finish. If they were shocked I could not tell. Sun is better but if you need to bring them in at night that would work too.