I Have herd it all.......Hands on is the only way..

Detroit J420

Well-Known Member
I have herd so much, from seeded weed being more potent then seedless. And being able to tell the sex of a plant by looking at the seed. That smoking in your grow room will make them think forest fire, and grow faster. Some plants dont even release there seeds until the shell is burned away by a forest fire. Ive herd playing music makes them happy. Even herd of a guy hooken up a lie detector test to a weed plant and just thinking he was gonna light his lighter and burn the plant and he got crazy readings. Does the shit ever end... I guess Trail and error is the only way. Plants even release asprin into the air when they get stresses out. I herd of weed plants taken up A.U from being above a gold mine and that benifited them not just copper and zinc lol. They know how to attract certain birds animals, insects for there benifit. Just a dumb plant.? There smarter then us... Shit the coca and poppy and weed plant alone is a few trillion dollar a yr bussiness alone. They control the world. That makes farming the biggest money maker. There smarter then us lol


Active Member
I have herd so much, from seeded weed being more potent then seedless. And being able to tell the sex of a plant by looking at the seed. That smoking in your grow room will make them think forest fire, and grow faster. Some plants dont even release there seeds until the shell is burned away by a forest fire. Ive herd playing music makes them happy. Even herd of a guy hooken up a lie detector test to a weed plant and just thinking he was gonna light his lighter and burn the plant and he got crazy readings. Does the shit ever end... I guess Trail and error is the only way. Plants even release asprin into the air when they get stresses out. I herd of weed plants taken up A.U from being above a gold mine and that benifited them not just copper and zinc lol. They know how to attract certain birds animals, insects for there benifit. Just a dumb plant.? There smarter then us... Shit the coca and poppy and weed plant alone is a few trillion dollar a yr bussiness alone. They control the world. That makes farming the biggest money maker. There smarter then us lol
yeah hands on is the most of it, just like any trade. i can clear some of those rumors up for you.

normally seedless weed is more potent that seeded but not always. feminized seeds always have a risk of having hermaphrodite traits making them produce more seeds. like my la confidential. shit is very potent. better than what my friends been paying $20 a gram for from nearby dispensaries which is seedless name brand stuff. i think their growers just dont trim and dry good enough. hope this doesnt confuse anyone, its not seeded like commercial, in fact my first harvest i only got about 50 seeds from a kilo of wet stuff.

you cant tell the sex of a plant by looking at the seed. you have to flower it and see if it produces hairs and pistols(female), or pollen sacks(male).

smoking in your grow room will not make your plants grow faster, in fact any smoke, even pot smoke is bad for them. its basically carbon monoxide, its pollution. however if you have a strong exhaust system like me, the smoke dont do anything noticable to them. cig and weed smoke are actually very similar believe it or not. few chemical differences but they both contain carcinogens and carbon monoxide.

i've read music helps. i've heard heavy metal then i also heard classical is better. i've never tried it myself, but to be realistic, i dont think music would make any difference. if anything maybe the vibrations could help strengthen it, sorta like how wind makes the stems stronger. i cant say for sure, but im leaning more to no difference.

i dont think plants are smart, they have no brain. there is nothing really magical about them. they basically grow on instinct.

Detroit J420

Well-Known Member
Ive seen pictures on how to determine sex from seeds. Imm try and find the c.d i saved it on and post. And some hermie plants are the most vigorous might explain potency. But i also read fully realized thc is only from seeded weed. Sorry for typos im usen my droid x fon. And as far as plants being smarter did you know that coca leaves are still used to this day in coca cola for just flavoring of course but not once has pepsi outsold coke. Im not even gonna get into the hemp and how all u.s money is made from it. Jack hearer already explained that. I want people to post the unheard of shit lol


Well-Known Member
Hands on experience is a great learning method..

however, don't underestimate the power of reading. ;)

I've started my new grow.. 2 different strains this time. I'm having problems with reading and hearing conflicting information about when you should start to cure the product. Some articles/books I've read on curing state that you should throw the product into your jars to start the curing process.. once the products inner-middle stem (the stem that runs right through the middle of each bud) snaps into two pieces when its bent. But then I also have heard and read.. that the proper way of curing is to throw the product into the jar(s) once the outside of the product feels/is dry.. and the middle-inner stem bends.. and is kinda springy (should bounce back some when its bent).

So, I'm tired of this crap.. tired of getting conflicting information. So, in order to get to the bottom of this conspiracy.. I have decided that this new grow that I've started.. I've decided that once I harvest them.. I'm going to divide the harvest into two parts. I'll let one half of the harvest air-dry until the inner-stem snaps into two pieces... and then the other half of the harvest.. I will air-dry until the inner-stem bends but doesn't snap into two pieces.. then throw them into my jar(s)...

this way, I'll get the truth. Since I'm a nice person by nature.. I will be posting the results of this experiment. That way, the truth gets out there.

It will be a while before I have the results.. as I said earlier, I just started my new grow. I've got one 'Snow White' and one 'Hawaiian Ice'. Both have germinated and have been planted into their starter pots with organic soil as the medium. So again, I'll be back with the report/results once the experiment is done.



Well-Known Member
Ive seen pictures on how to determine sex from seeds. Imm try and find the c.d i saved it on and post. And some hermie plants are the most vigorous might explain potency. But i also read fully realized thc is only from seeded weed. Sorry for typos im usen my droid x fon. And as far as plants being smarter did you know that coca leaves are still used to this day in coca cola for just flavoring of course but not once has pepsi outsold coke. Im not even gonna get into the hemp and how all u.s money is made from it. Jack hearer already explained that. I want people to post the unheard of shit lol

Your wasting your time bro.. you can't tell a plants sex just by looking at the seed. If that were true.. don't you think all of us would just skip the fucking veg. cycle all together and just jump right into flowering? I realize some people do that already.. 12/12 from seed.. but they're not able to tell the sex of the plant by looking at the seed..

its just not possible buddy..

so good luck with that.



Active Member
There are many professional botanical labs and nursuries that play music over p.a. systems and other speaker systems. This has been used all around the world. Most people believe its the vibrations of the bass and other freq. that stimulate plant activities. I on the other hand dont truly believe this is a key to big buds, however it wouldnt hurt to try, I play music in my grow room while working with plants. If anything the music makes me happier. And for smoking around plants I have smoked joints while watering and other with no problems. Again the ventillation in your grow room should be strong enough to exchange air before problems start.

These are my opinions and not fact,