i have molasses and it says 100% natural is it ganna burn out my plants

could someone tell if this is going to hurt my plants it is the suryp kind and its dark brown is this good or bad leave suggestions thanks and how much do i put in the water juz need to know if i have the right kind someone told me blackstrap molasses or can i use any suryp molasses
i looked it up on the internet and found it in the cannada web page it brought me right to the site and it says they dont use sulpher in any of there molasese products so how much do i use in the water


Well-Known Member
add about 2 large tbl spoon full per gallon of water. I love molasses and so does my plants.


New Member
just try it one one plant and get back to us and let us know what happend to your plant 3 things will happen one it will be just fine ... two it might wither a little bit... three it might die ! but most of the time they dont die !!!
well ive put it in about 2hrs ago i dont see no change yet but ill give it a couple days to take full effect and i will keep you posted thanks for all the help


Active Member
well ive put it in about 2hrs ago i dont see no change yet but ill give it a couple days to take full effect and i will keep you posted thanks for all the help
What were you expecting to happen?

The molasses will feed the micro life in the soil. The micro life will then multiply and create a healthier soil for your plants to grow in. It isn't going to be a radical, noticeable, improvement. Anyone who told you otherwise was mistaken.