I have no clue what’s going on in my grow tank anymore

Cause this was a spur of the moment thing and won’t be able to grow outside in the garden so I picked up some dirt and sifted the dirt mixed it with my dogs shit and planted the seeds like I said before I half heartedly gave up after the flood and just been giving it water once a day
Idk if those are weed plants they look like something else. I’ve never seen them look like that. They might be seeds that where in the soil before and sprouted up. What is the humidity and stuff In The box sometimes if things aren’t on point when they’re that small they get stunted and just don’t do anything. I’m in aswego definitely upstate. I don’t get to the city much unless I’m there to fix somebodies fuck ups.
Cause this was a spur of the moment thing and won’t be able to grow outside in the garden so I picked up some dirt and sifted the dirt mixed it with my dogs shit and planted the seeds like I said before I half heartedly gave up after the flood and just been giving it water once a day
Did you really just mix in dog shit with it or is that a joke.
But the reason I’m skeptical is cause I didn’t get the dirt from just anywhere I got it off the side of my moms garden and every last seedling looks the same is it possible for seeds not to grow even after being germinated?
You said you planted two rows of 3, are those even where you planted them? Maybe your seeds were duds and those are random seeds that were in the soil you used.

I think you're 100% correct.

The pics looks exactly like the stuff that grows seemingly everywhere in my neck of the woods; I pick it out of my flowerbeds daily
I’m 27 years old and know what pot seeds look like I started out with regs so I would think that I know what the seeds look like as for the gratiola did your “snooping” tell you how long it will take to flower cause none of my seedlings look like that
Not offended one bit just disgusted by ppls inept ability to think other ppls problems can become their source of entertainment… just shows how shallow ppl are
But the reason I’m skeptical is cause I didn’t get the dirt from just anywhere I got it off the side of my moms garden and every last seedling looks the same is it possible for seeds not to grow even after being germinated?

Almost a certainly if they were flooded with water.

You drowned your cannabis seeds and other seeds in the soil sprouted.

The seedlings in the pictures are a few days old, that should be a clue they're not the cannabis seeds you planted a month ago

Get some new cannabis seeds and give it another whirl