I Have No Lights Yet! Can My Seeds Sprout?


i am a total newbi to this so please take it easy.
So i got some seeds from a friend just out of curiosity and i put them in a cup of water covered it up and put it in a warmish place expecting nothing to happen,to my amazement they grew white roots, so i went off to a local garden centre :/ planted them in some soil and added some of that white stuff to aid the germination, as i said before i really dont know much about this so didnt really know what soil etc to get i done a little research and made an educated guess. i havent had a chance to get my setup yet so dont have lights etc so i put them on a window ledge with the most light. Help me out people, what can i do till i get lights etc cause my seeds havent sprouted above soil yet and its been about 36 hours. i know it could take longer but what do yousall think my chances are of getting the seeds to grow this way ??:?
Another question, i went to my local hydroponics store and the man quoted me a setup that adds up to nearly 400 pound,does this sound correct ??


Well-Known Member
they might last for little while their strech bending and fall over and will probally die off or be unsatifactory when you get lights ill say you have 2 weeks window time to salvage with lights befor might have to just toss you could possibly take the chance of a stealthy place outside for a couple befor you get the lights but you take chances of bring bugs back in

as for the 400 pounds depends on what your getting and where its going good units need good rooms for that cash it should be higher watts i think probaly 600-1000 depending but you need the space and more equiptment to run that sh*t


u can easily buy a desk lamp (those small ones) for 20$ and put a good 100 watt in it (5$) and b good for about 2 weeks so they wont stretch... uuntil u get ur setup goin


basically it is like a bud box with a carbon filter, 4 inch fan and a 400cfl light and reflector im not sure what the lightt is for flowering stage i dont have alot of room so my box is 600x600x1400. how many plants would u suggest i could fit in there ??


Well-Known Member
yeah, best if you do that and use the time to research properly what you need, so you dont blow your money and time on bullshit.