I have not one, but 2 questions. +rep as usual


Well-Known Member
Okay first off what is the best way to cure for smell? I have heard of drying with leaves still on the plant, does this actually work? (I know curing and drying forum but the second question isn't related) I just ordered 13 reg OG18Xskunk#1, got 13 free pure afghan, then ordered another 6 fem OGs from RP. Is there anything different I need to know about growing kush/indica strains?


Active Member
Indica-easier to grow, less nutes, less hermie action, shorter, better yield, faster flowering. Otherwise it follows the rules of sativa.

My stuff smells really good and I cure it like this: manicure it, hang it up on clothespins for about 5 days, transfer to paper bags and open 2 x daily for about 5 days, transfer to glass jars and open jars one time daily each for about 5 days, or until stems snap instead of bend. This is really mundane, a variation on what everybody does, but my stuff smells better and more intensely than black market or legal medical mj (in my state-not California)-I never get to try other homemade stuff. I would cure after manicuring. The curing with leaves thing seems like, intuitively, it might be a better cure, but manicuring is a PITA.


Well-Known Member
curing for smell,depends on when you harvest,more amber trichs the better,but having said that now to many amber trichs or you have a rather degraded thc content.But I have found when you pic to early there will be a greater chance of they green smell staying in yur buds.Its all about being patient and waiting for the right window of time to harvest.But once this is done,drying/curing them in the same fashion as kamut described above works nicely.You could use leaves to put in with the bud ,but that is good for moisture content not so much the smell.When the resin in the plant/bud is mature the smell will stay with it always.And as far as indica strain goes once again the above post is pretty much my words on the question.


Active Member
As for growing the indica strains, the main thing you should consider is whether or not to top your plants...with the indica strains they grow far bushier to begin with, and then when you top them they really get crazy. I have stopped topping my indica dom plants and as a result I can fit my plants into my room without worrying about them shading each other and decreasing light effectiveness. Hope this helps someone somehow. Thanks.


Well-Known Member
Okay first off what is the best way to cure for smell? I have heard of drying with leaves still on the plant, does this actually work? (I know curing and drying forum but the second question isn't related) I just ordered 13 reg OG18Xskunk#1, got 13 free pure afghan, then ordered another 6 fem OGs from RP. Is there anything different I need to know about growing kush/indica strains?
i only grow indica dom hybrids because of shorter flowering time and tolerance for lower light.
although i've heard info to the contrary, i still maintain a 65F and 50%rh in the drying room and the final product smells killah:P


Well-Known Member
Okay first off what is the best way to cure for smell?
You mean to create the best smell, or to make sure that your curing buds don't give off any smell?

The regular hang-till-dry, then slow cure in glass jars works great for bringing out the buds natural smell. I don't think you have to do anything differently. The main thing is, if you want the best smell, you have to harvest the buds at their peak.

If you want to kill most of the taste and smell of your buds, you could try a water-cure. . .but why?

I have heard of drying with leaves still on the plant, does this actually work?
Leaving the leaves on the plants will slow down the drying a little bit, but then after drying it becomes much harder to take them off.
Almost all of the smell you're after comes from the actual flowers (ie buds).
Fan leaves add nothing there, and if you have the ability to manicure your buds I don't think there is a good reason not to.

Is there anything different I need to know about growing kush/indica strains?
Well, they tend to grow short and bushy, so you may want/need less training.

They're generally faster flowering than sativa or sativa-hybrid plants, so your grows will take less time.

Unlike tropical sativas, in general Indica plants do better in dry climates, and these plants may be a bit more susceptible to mold or rot from humidity. So if your grow area is over-humid you may want to increase ventilation a bit. But in pretty much every way other than that, they're easier to grow than sativas.

And, as you probably already know, indica buds are known for a more "stony" mind-numbing effect. Some people call this "couchlock".