I have nothing, how do I start?


Hi, I am decently new to the game and want in.
I have read hundreds of articles and spent many times attempting to grow.

I have just about nothing now but some ok soil and random house hold stuff, oh and some random, unidentified seeds.

I want to know what to do, how to start, what to use, where to do it, and if I should now that it is almost November?

I'm on the central West Coast of the US and would love some :leaf:s


Active Member
You dont seem to have a lot of answers even with the many articles you have read. I'd say read some more, sorry guy.


Well-Known Member
You dont seem to have a lot of answers even with the many articles you have read. I'd say read some more, sorry guy.

I agree considering the research you claim you have done i dont think you have done the right kind of research.

Start in the stickies at the top of the newbie central forum.

THey will explain most of your questions.

Take notes.

Design plan and implement.

Its as straight forward as that.

If you plan on growing outdoors then you need to allow for weather changes.

If you plan on growing indoors then YOU ARE THE WEATHER.





Well-Known Member
We can start with the basics first. Were do you plan to grow? Inside or outside? If inside, what kinda lights do you plan to use? cfls, HPS/MH leds? I could go on and on need more info before we can help you.


Well-Known Member
We can start with the basics first. Were do you plan to grow? Inside or outside? If inside, what kinda lights do you plan to use? cfls, HPS/MH leds? I could go on and on need more info before we can help you.
Its not a matter of just helping. Which we all will do as long as someone puts the time and effort into it first.

Rather than saying " i have nothing where do i start?"

You should come here and say i plan on doing this this this and that

If i use this that that and this will it work.

I have this amount of space to grow in.

Or im growing outdoors this is the climate where i live etc etc.




you missed the outdoor cycle man so you'll have to grow inside. you can steath grow if you put your mind to it or just buy a grow tent if you don't wana whip out some nails and a saw. there is several forum on cheap items...think you search best prices on the search bar. I wouldn't diy on the carbon filter if your stealth growing or you might be spending twice like me. ready up setups on the search bar also for lots of great ideals. I use DWC because its a simple hydro setup, known for fast growth and yields, and almost fool proof:bigjoint: some might suggest bag seed but I wanted the good stuff so first grow I got some seeds from nirvana. They have a wide selection and a new john doe service for stealth buys and shippin plus there cheap and have beginner strains. Dyna grow is a cheap hydro nut. and hear it works great. I'm using GH micro,gro,bloom formula and has been working good for me but when I run out I'll try the dyna grow seeing its cheaper.


Yea read read read! all your questions will have been answered several times and most stickies have multiple answers.


I must say that the only one that was helpful in all this was slow3dup
jondamon was slightly helpful

Most of you need some manners and maturity...oh well

I suppose it would be smart to grow indoors now.
I can use like a box or plastic tub of some sort?
The science of marijuana, I am not familiar with yet.
So what lights would you suggest and how can I find them for a decent price?


Active Member
Lol dude, you said you did loads of research then ask the most basic of basic questions confirming your lie. Hush little baby..


Well-Known Member
Have some of you thought maybe taco isn't good with reading comprehension?? My ex tried so hard read tons retained nothing hence why I am doing it now...man don't go off bashing him tell him where to go like some of the others have...ok taco my first advice is just google it start with your setup nothing worse than not being set up right...do read the stickys I recommend grow room design has info about lights and good deals as far aas lighting I got a good deal through htg supply...from my understanding cfls are cheaper but I use hid if you choose hid you want mh for veg and hps for flower for optimum spectrum


Thank you rene

Guys if I wanted to be mocked, do you think I would of posted this in the Newbie section?

I was looking at the different ways to have setups and since I am pass the weather season I'll have to grow indoors.
The DWC ideas look appealing.

Do you think this is a good idea?
I'm looking for something to START cheap.


Well-Known Member
While from my understanding soil is easier but can be expensive I am a soil grower if your so new I'd say still to soil for now man it is more work than most think...and anytime man I got lots of shit for the same things when I came on people don't realize some of us have lives that keep us rather busy if we could do it all (humans in general) we wouldn't be asking for help..only stupid question is one not asked


Well-Known Member
Thank you rene

Guys if I wanted to be mocked, do you think I would of posted this in the Newbie section?

I was looking at the different ways to have setups and since I am pass the weather season I'll have to grow indoors.
The DWC ideas look appealing.

Do you think this is a good idea?
I'm looking for something to START cheap.
There's really nothing easier and cheaper than growing with soil and CFLs in my opinion. I'd say it's the best way for a noobie to start. My first grow was done with some Miracle Gro and 5 CFL bulbs plugged into extension cords with socket adapters. It was one plant and it was looking really good before I shamefully chopped it down prematurely. This time I'm updating to some high watt/high lumen CFL grow lights and some good soil and fertilizers. I'm also getting a pH meter and some pH up and down. Almost have everything ordered. Can't wait to get started!

* EDIT * I take that back about my first grow. Almost forgot, my first grow was a drip hydro setup with a high watt/high lumen CFL grow light. It was a a prebuilt system I ordered off the internet that came with everything you needed. I ended up getting root rot and the pump kept getting clogged. Just saying, from my experience, soil was much easier. Of course I havn't tried DWC. Maybe it's easier.
First i strongly suggest you buy this book. Everything you need to know for your first grow is in there. start with what is around you, do you have an available closet or room? a cabinet you can hollow out? finding your grow area first will help you answer later questions. When deciding where to grow take into consideration that this area is going to be bright and hot for most of the day, can you keep it concealed? Based on how big that is you can get everything you need (for a cheapo grow) basically at walmart or homedepot. Get a clamp lamp ($5) and they do sell a 55 watt CFL (compact fluorescent light)for $12 at walmart. You said you had random seeds, well take the ones that look the best to you and germ them by putting them in a cup of water in the dark for at most 24 hours, then put them in wet paper (not soaking) towels on a plate with some water so they don't dry out. after a few days some seeds will have cracked revealing a tap root, this is now ready to plant. plant seeds with the tap root facing down in a hole about 1/4 inch deep. use a solo cup with holes in the bottom.


Like I've said, I've tried to grow a few times and it's just never worked...
So I've been trying to start anew and figure out what I did wrong.

Anyway, what I've mainly tried is CLF setups and soil.
Usually 2 CLF lights.

Well anyway I am extremely happy you posted (ultimatelysoothed) :)
It turns out I was putting the seeds upside-down.

I am using the corner of an occupied room (out of the way) and might try one plant with CLF's and one with DWC.
I'll be using 6500K lights at first, then slowly switching to 3000K lights.

Okay now for the questions...
Does it matter how much watts the lamp uses?
I think I am over watering them all the time, how much should I water?
Are Ph meters cheap, where do I get them, and is it about 6.7 Ph for the soil?
Is clay important in the DWC setup?


Well-Known Member
as far as germ it just matters what works the best for you i stick them straight into the soil put in my closet with my water heater keep the soil moist and in a few days they pop right up usually.....you can buy cheap ph meters and 6.7 is a good ph for soil grow sorry dont know anything about hydro

Give Me

Happy Halloween 2 all. Taco- I can understand where/how you got some of your responses from some- however keep in mind we can't all be born experts-let the negatively slide right off cause in the end you will get the last laugh. Note: you have the power 2 remove the tard responses :) Just wondering , you said you have tried 2 grow before , well can you pin point where you have gone wrong in the past? I myself am newer to growing but can see where I messed up- thus hopefully my dumbass can figure it out :) I will at some point do a What Not 2 Do thread as I seem to have that path well traveled LOL we could work on it together -haha I have a few links that may help but can't till I get 2 my pc -will be in touch-meantime - get a plan :eg what are you looking to get out of it? Budget? Things like that. Later T


Well-Known Member
I want to know what to do, how to start, what to use, where to do it, and if I should now that it is almost November?
Too late now for an outdoor grow - all the annual plants like MJ and daisies are gone until spring.

But you can start indoors any time.