I have PK 13/14 by canna, Someone please tell me how to use it?


Well-Known Member
Ive lost the instructions and dont know the dose and how many times i should give the plant it, can anyone post some instructions for me? thanks.


Well-Known Member
a PK 13/14 is a bloom booster, as an additive for your standard bloom ferts, i have GH liquid kool bloom and its a 10-10, it would be safe atleast 5ml/gal or a teaspoon


Active Member
you use the pk13-14 4 to 5 weeks before harvest for one week only. we sell it in our shop. it is good!


Well-Known Member
Oh shit i added like 15 mil to 5 litres of water! that must be way too much? im flushing right awaY!...

young huss

Active Member
np mah dude im jusing the same shit...jus add 6 teaspoons with ur nutrients but only for 2 weeks and then go back to normal....