i have some problems, and i need suggestions


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i cut my plants top, after that new tops appear. some leaves closes below tops, should i prune?
curling new leaves indicates what? why some upper leaves sides and edges curling up?
thanks a lot..
Looks like a big fat and happy indica to me. Not sure I see your problems. Leaf edges curling up can be heat related but yours aren't severe. Steady as she goes and pot her up at least one more time. All should be good. I wouldn't prune her any at this point. Looks like she gets plenty of attention.
Thanks friends for your care. i read your comments carefully. i need to say something; when i saw curling and amorphous grownig, i mixed a small amount of baking soda and tap water, and i flushed soil with this water. because there was a ph problem...

i use fresh milk mixture and boiled eggshells sometimes with a little bit 20-20 -20 npk fertilizer.

i think i should change my light source bec her growth slow down. 12052014_001.jpg i have 2X 23w 6700k 1X 23w 2500K CFLs,

And also i started flowering cycle 3 days ago. Do you have any suggestions dudes..?
FLUSH TOILETS NOT SOIL! You did not have a pH problem!!!!!! It was heat stress....and not bad. Just like Bugeye said!
Fresh milk is not suggested! (your trying to add Ca aren't you) Use a milk powder for that and don't boil the eggshells. Simply crush and soak for a cpl of days.....Grind the eggshells down into a fine powder with a coffee grinder and sprinkle on the soil a cpl of tsp of it for longer term Ca and pH management.

Now then,,,,Soil self pH's!!! Metering the run off only gives you the pH of the run off! When you water. The pH will rise and as the soil dries out it will fall back. This IS natural! Use a "Zyme" or "Myco" to keep the living things in the soil doing their job (part of it is controlling the pH).

Would be nice to have transplanted it to a bigger pot....it's getting root bound (slow growth)....still have time if you hurry and put her to veg times for a week or so......don't have to re time it. But would allow for a bit of root spreading.

I don't care at all for CFL's, to weak and by the time you have enough to make up for that,,,you might as well of bought the HPS you thought about buying but was afraid of the electric costs,,my opinion.

DAMN nice looking plant!
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your suggestions make much sense to me. i set to work, and finished.
i made this steps below..

1.jpg 2.jpg crushin and grinding eggshells to powder.
4.jpg mixing soil with the powder
5.jpg transplanted girls
DSC_1012.jpg DSC_1014.jpg little girl after get wet in the rain
DSC_1016.jpg DSC_1017.jpg the girl after a couple of hours get wet
DSC_1018.jpg DSC_1019.jpg little girl pulls round below the cfl's

i designed a new grow room with a scarp refrigator. i bought two 26w warm light. i will send its pictures when i build it.

Thanks Dr. Who
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pick up the pot. water is heavy, so if the heavy feel heavy, don't water. if it seems easy to lift, you can water. you'll get the knack quickly :)
thanks dude, i won't water them for a few days. but what means "light to lift" ? i don't understand it..

i bought these fertilizers today, and i am still searching materials for growbox ..
a-1.jpg a-2.jpg a-3.jpg i need to built a fertilizing schedule ..

and can you say how can i like a post? :)
What else would light to lift mean? the opposite to heavy to lift.
Any way you have to fix this bad mildew issue you have, all over the bottom leaves and in flowering the buds will mold. Osc fans ,exhaust,sulfur burner, even a dehumidifier. Leave fan on 24/7.
thanks for your explain, i think there is no mildew, there is two 12v fans working 7/24.

her tops are growing fastly and there is a lot of buds forming..
i am so sad. on the contrary, she is a boy :((


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its probebly plant shock. nothing to worry about they look nice and lush, make shure u use sharp sissors to prune.
after i mixed 0,5ml biosoil(%15 humic and %15 fulvic acid concentrate) and1 liter water, i sprayed my plants' leaves with the mixture. I also used 1,5ml / liter mixture to my soil with some fertilizer.did it yesterday
i see fast growin, but it is early to say that. i ll inform you..