I have some questions.


Well-Known Member
RULES: First off guys please don't blow this out of proportion and rip each others heads off this is meant as a discussion to get an idea of what i wanna do for the next few grows smoke a bowl and relax.

Okay lets get to the questions:

1. What (in everyones opinion) is the best soil / nutes combo to use (Im using advanced nutes and pro mix i really like this combo) but i've heard alot about flora nova and others so just shoot me some ideas.

2. Is Hydro worth the money? Should i do a DWC as an experiment?

3. Whats the best way (in soil being how i have a lot of soil to use up before i can go switching to anything) to maximize yield, (i use 0 - 35 - 29 bud blood and other high dosage bud amplifying nutes thru advanced nutes)

4. How far away from my plants should i keep my 1000w mh/hps lights.

5. should i invest in an A/C -- Humidifier combo ?

6. Should i buy a co2 burner or keep using PRO Co2 Buckets?

Any advice is appreciated, if i think of anymore questions ill post them!


1. I hate nutes, I use supersoil, when I did use nutes I kept it simple just used Jack Classic's products with a couple other nutes, and grew in ffof, I would highly recommend going all natural for better tasting nug.
2. Hydro is defiantly worth the money in the, especially if you make your own buckets, I grow 2 big indoor plants for making my brownies and concentrates, but I do not like the taste compared to soil, I would try it, you yields are crazy.
3. Can you clarify this one. If you want to max yeilds go with a scrog( personally recommended for me , I like to only grow a couple strains at a time, or sog (where you can change the strains out much faster).
4. I keep my plants at a good 1.75 to 2 ft away
5. If you need it then yes If your like me then I would not because i can keep my levels consistent, ( but I have a humidifier in my room, not and ac unit)
6. I just do it the old fashion way with yeast and shit, simple and easy.