I have spider mites please help.


Well-Known Member
I am using mighty wash, can i also use dawn dish soap? i need to pull know and all with in two weeks. Does dawn sih soap work decent also? after i pull these and try to clean them off the palnts and kill them i am going to bomb my room a few times. Does the cold also kill them. Thanks.
thanks, i am on my second gallon as i was not persecent. Does dawn soap also work and if so how much Dawn soap per gallon?
Yes...switch up your miticides, they get immuned to the same chemicals. They are resiliant little bastards. Cold slows them down, but as soon as they thaw out they are active again. Bombing is a good idea. please note pyrithren does not effect spider mites at all
Keep using mighty wash. When its over clean the room properly, spray water/bleach everywhere ,walls floors ,cracks .ceilings etc and leave it for 24 hrs ,come back and mop the floor and vacuum everyday for a week, don't re use old media. Then vacuum more often in future.
Keep the room cooler they only seem to infest in hot rooms and be more hygienic yourself, when you've been digging in the garden, bush walking etc dont go straight into the grow room without showering, washing hair and changing clothes and shoes.