I have to dry outside, any help?


Well-Known Member
I have an outdoor grow with about 15 pants going on (harvest maybe 7 or so of them)

I can't bring the bud inside to dry. How would I dry the bud

"If it ain't natural, it ain't real"- KMK's


Well-Known Member
one thing I was thinking about doing was finding a well hidden area, suspending a rope from 2 trees, and pin the kolas along it. Then put brown paper bags to soak out the water and keep it dark. Then drape either black tarp or , if needed, black, outside duty garbage bags. The tarp would help keep heat up and the brown paper bag would take all the moisture w/o touching the kolas. Would probaly be ready in 6-9 days.

what do you think guys?

"If it ain't natural, it ain't real." - KMK's


Well-Known Member
I can't dry in the house. It would stink to high heaven and I have a paranoid dad. I have to do it outside, and I cant dry in a cardboard box outdoors.


Active Member
I like the cardboard box idea...that would definatly work, just punch some holes in the top & hang the plant from strings attached to the top...That should do the trick nothing fancy.


Well-Known Member
use a good sized plastic box with lid than you dont ave to worry bout it raining. just put holes in em so you get a bit of air flow


Well-Known Member
The box can work, but you HAVE to avoid moisture..If your going to dry in a box, make a lot of ventilation holes and put in between layers of paper...But you must check it regularly and flip or replace paper..but your still going to have a problem with dew and stuff..I've seen a dry done with those cheap bamboo blinds..the guy just tied the tops together and rolled them loosely in the blind and leaned it under a garage overhang...it took longer, but they dried without any mold or shit.....Your in a hard situation...Good Luck


Well-Known Member
the card board box willl actually absorb some moisture. You can put a box outside, put it under some awning or coverd place, Uses fans for ventilation.


Well-Known Member
as I said before, I live w/ a dad who hates mary jane, and a cardboard box with fans around it, outside, in a shed with and electric cord stretching out to the shed is not exactly "stealth"

"How many times have you heard of it causing a heart attack or causeing a tumor? NONE!" - Lil Wyte

Sadistic Incubus

Active Member
How often does dad go out to the shed? how ventillated is the shed? I grew outdoors under watchful eyes as well, thing is i grew up on a 4000 acre dairy farm that was dotted with swamp holes. I built an encloser with littery branches and tarps and made a dry hut, completely removable before deer season which was always my biggest problem. Just take some rope between 2 trees and drape your tarp over it making a tent, make sure the open parts of your tent are facing in the direction the breeze normally blows, (east and west most likely) inside the tent string across more rope and pin your cola's to that, a week or 2 with good warm daylight temps and breezy weather your bud is dry. A few problems i ran into were more animal related then anything else, the damn deer like to munch on buds, maybe the smell attracted them i'm not sure. I used a deer repellant the next year on my tarp and had no problems again. Not recommending this method, just saying it worked for me in my teen years, cant hurt to try. Next time you plant just plan out the entire grow and harvest before hand, less panic and stress.