pretty doggyi would wait a little though before you get another dog, i had a pure bred white german shep since it was 8 weeks old til the day i had to put him down he was 14.. and i got another dog right after and i couldnt keep him it was too sad i missed my best friend
his name was boo boo hahapretty doggy
Sorry to hear that. I had to put our dog down last year. Vet said he had a brain tumor. Snuggles was around 16 years old a chow and german shepard mix. I am glad my daughter was with me and we stayed at the vet and he fell asleep in our arms. Was really sad but at least he is not suffering anymore.i woke up this morning getting reddy to go to the docter and my dog payday wouldnt get up he is 20 years old and like a family member to me i think he had a stroke so he cant walk im going to pet him and say good by then it off to the vet idk what to do anymore