This Thread. LOL

My mom took my plants I was just germinating cause she found them when she was snooping around. God I've hated that bitch all my life. I hope she rots in hell. I thought I'd just share that with everyone, and I'm sure most of you are gunna say "you're just mad at your mom"... NO, if you really understood how fucked up my mom was you would know lol, and I'm supposedly going back to dh monday for an unknown reason. Fuck my family.
This thread is old, I've resolved the problems. I live with my mom I'm growing when I move into my own apartmentsorry I might have missed this... but how old are you? and why is your mom coming in your house?
So basically if you own a dog and feed it it gives you the right to beat the crap out of it whenever you feel like it ????????? Sorry this logic does not apply period end of story.No matter how much she punched you in the stomach as a kid (lol) just remember, she gave birth to you, fed you, put a roof over your head and put clothes on your back. Please rethink the title of this thread.