I hope you enjoy this thought experiment! What would you do if you were the last person on Earth?


Well-Known Member
Day 1: You wake up. You walk outside, there's no traffic outside your door. You walk down the block, nothing, no people, empty cars, empty shops, nobody in sight.

-What do you do?

Day 30: Still, no one in sight, not even bodies. You've searched hundreds of buildings by now, not a trace... Where has everyone gone?

-What do you do?

Day 366: Day 1 of year 2: You wake up. You walk outside. Still... nobody there.. as far as you know, you're the last person on Earth.. Your garden still grows, your livestock still feed.. the daily routine remains.. yet, you are still here.. alone..

-What do you do?

Day 3,651: Day 1 of year 11: You wake up. You walk outside... still, nobody is there..

Day 9,125...

Day 18,250...

One day, you wake up, at age 75.. you walk outside.. and you see an unusual light in the sky.. you see it land on the horizon..

-What do you do?


Well-Known Member
what a fucking great question:)


erm?? Fuck !!

my lifes like this now hahalolol !!!!

except there's no aliens.

Ps ....... Seriously id kill myself on day 2 ...... I'll leave it a day just to make sure i wasn't dreaming then play will smith for a day "I AM LEGEND" !!!

then jump off a bridge or something quite high;) the bridge would have to atleast 200 mtrs high painted blue with a yellow ribbon tied around it , the sun would have to be behind me ( you don't want glare you might miss the floor) and a newspaper in my back pocket just incase i don't die from the fall and end up just broken legs and not being able to move forever , ill have something to read :)

erm that's about it oooooo!!!!!! You never mentioned if i have shoes on ??

do i have shoes ? Because if did then it would be a different story.

and what colour are they? They should be brown, if not then im not playing :(


Well-Known Member
kill myself instead of dying the miserable death I would surely die soon after I'm left alone. probably finish my drugs and jump off the highest building I could find


Well-Known Member
well, when it was obvious im the last person, why not have fun? first, id hit the pharmacies. get all those fun drugs i could never really afford cause, why not? than id hit the banks, just in case people came back. id go help myself to a new truck fresh off the lot. to the liquor store, cause if i crash the truck ill just go grab a new one. id be hungry at this point. off to home depot to grab the best grill they have. move into a house i like better than mine. actually, id probably just take over a military base and live there. off to the trading post and remove neumorus truck loads of guns and ammunition, and fishing gear so i could hunt and eat. i would masturbate copiously. everywhere. obviously there would be no power so i would swipe all types of genorators and any types of fuels i could get my hands on. since there would be no internet i would jack a truck load of porn mags and dvds. id grab a few really nice chainsaws, a truck load actually, eveything im taking now will be in truck loads. install a would stove for a solid heat sorce power cant fuck with. when that light hits the horizon, ill be engaging with my surface to air missiles and chillin in my M-1 AAbrahams. id probably launch a few ICBMs and wipe a few countries off the map just for kicks.


Well-Known Member
I would go to a military base and start launching bombs for fun take out a few houses it would be a blast. And search for the coke dealers homes maybe train a dog to sniff out coke. :bigjoint:
I would go to a military base and start launching bombs for fun take out a few houses it would be a blast. And search for the coke dealers homes maybe train a dog to sniff out coke. :bigjoint:
you read my mind while i was posting lol


Well-Known Member
I would get some reese's pieces from my candy vault and then drive out to have closer look at the light. I would be cautions though and watch from a distance. Wear camouflage and use night vision from my stores of usefull stuff I aquired.


Well-Known Member
kill myself instead of dying the miserable death I would surely die soon after I'm left alone. probably finish my drugs and jump off the highest building I could find
Dislike. This is sad. You'd go nuts and start talking to yourself first probably. And THAT would be pretty fun.


Well-Known Member
I guess the first few days would be spent looking for other people or at least some sort of cause for every bodies disappearance. I would probably visit the camping store and the pharmacy and load up on supplies. Gas shouldn't be too much of a problem to get so I would stop by an RV place and get myself something pretty posh to travel in. And then a road trip...

Places on my list... Art museums (build my own collection), Area 51 (because the truth is out there), history museums (illuminated manuscripts and other curiosities). I guess I would probably hit Vegas because I assume that's where they make Real Dolls. Eventually I would head to DC and take up residence in the Smithsonian Castle or the White House. Maybe commute to Southern California in the winter.

Somewhere in DC should be some excellent communication devices. I would try to reach out to the rest of the world and see what's going on there. Then I would find a way to get to Europe. Drink all their fine wines and liquors, cross the channel and burn down mainliners house. First I would make sure that he is not also alive. If he were, I would hunt him down and make him my bitch.
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Well-Known Member
Are there animals? I could get along fine for awhile with just the companionship of a dog..not like that you sick f#$ks...although that sheep was kinda cute. General mayhem would ensue for the first few weeks..then i think loneliness and depression would set in, I'd probably slowly kill myself with drugs and alcohol...or maybe something cool..60's top fuel dragster right into the side of a building at 200+mph...Baja truck off the side of the grand canyon? maybe strap myself to a rocket and head for space..IDK.