I.... I think i might need help


Active Member
im so depressed. i hate when i get like this. i get depressed very easily. it makes me feel like i hate myself, and that the world would be better off without me. i dont know what to do :-|


Well-Known Member
I know exactly how you feel man. Just think positive and move forward. Sometimes listening to music makes me forget all about it. Its been an ongoing thing for me and I'm still here. So there is hope, but sometimes it is tough. Keep your head up and I hope you feel better.:peace:


Well-Known Member
Stop smoking weed for a start. Weed is no good for depression, it will simply make it worse.


Well-Known Member
im so depressed. i hate when i get like this. i get depressed very easily. it makes me feel like i hate myself, and that the world would be better off without me. i dont know what to do :-|
Same boat as you right now. Only thing that keeps me truckin' along is that I know life has its ups and downs. Probably a little more downs then ups, unfortunately. You will see the light at the end of the tunnel soon. Read a book my friend. You will be alright.


Well-Known Member
Take some vitamins,eat healthy,exersize....Oh and of course.Fuck hot chicks.....Pretty girls make me smile.....:mrgreen:


Active Member
i think you would be better off talking to someone who is qualified to help you out.
all anyone can really tell you is what i'll tell you: you're likely just at a rough patch in your
life and everything will be ok. just please don't come up with a permanent solution to a
temporary problem, if you catch my meaning. take care dude

*edit* and maybe take airwave's advice as well.


Well-Known Member
hey dude i hate my life alot too. all my problems are in another country and theres nothing i can do about it. makes me feel like shit, and i cant move on, havent for 3 years.

best advise i can give; suicide is a permanent solution to temporary problems


Well-Known Member
Yo I think most everyone on here likes to help eachother out but if you're having those type of feelings you should seek some sort of counselor or therapist possibly. Everyone gets down at times and feels like the world is against them but you always got to bounce back harder than before and life will go on. Best wishes

Toy Machine

Best advice is to stay positive, no matter what situation you are in. Look at me, house arrest for 6 months, Outpatient 2 months, TASK 3 months, Drug Court no clue, looking on brightside priceless.

Even though my summer is ruined, like someone mentioned earlier take vitamins and stay in shape. I've been in the best physical condition in my life and I'm just looking forward to that pussy when I get off :hump:


Well-Known Member
well admitting it is the first step hopefully you will push through this everyone gets deppressed what ever is deppressing you maybe do something about it ( if you can) and move past it. good luck