I just almost killed somebody


Well-Known Member
Yeah man it always happens like that...and you never know if the people on the street are gonna ask you for somethin or straight up shoot you and take it...just be careful out there.

everyday im on my lunch break i see this crack-lady and everyday i swear she thinks it's the first time i met her,

honey honey honey honey please give me a ride, i need a ride to my house, to get my car, i need my car honey please honey i need a ride you lookin handsome honey please i need a ride honey what can i give you honey i need a ride

her exact words, with maybe less honey's than what she really says...i should count tomorrow....

it's sad though i found out from a cop she used to be a lawyer fucked a client (crack dealer) got hooked got homeless and turned into crack lady


Well-Known Member
LOL man, I've had people coming in trying to buy a single stick of bubble gum, a half a can of soda...and then getting mad when I tell them they cant...it's a crazy world...be kind, dont be stupid or gullible.
Dude, have you ever told someone the price of something, and had them respond by telling you how much money they HAVE? Example:

"How much is this?"
"$15...$16 and some change with tax."
"I only have $11."

It's like...ok, but it still costs $16, so what the fuck do you want me to do for you? lmao, I never understood why people do that. MAYBE I'll care if you tell me "but I only got $15 and some change"

lol, and for panhandlers, I once saw this t-shirt that said "Yes, I have plenty of change you homeless piece of shit. Thanks for asking." I made it into a button to wear.


Well-Known Member
Dude, have you ever told someone the price of something, and had them respond by telling you how much money they HAVE? Example:

"How much is this?"
"$15...$16 and some change with tax."
"I only have $11."

It's like...ok, but it still costs $16, so what the fuck do you want me to do for you? lmao, I never understood why people do that. MAYBE I'll care if you tell me "but I only got $15 and some change"

lol, and for panhandlers, I once saw this t-shirt that said "Yes, I have plenty of change you homeless piece of shit. Thanks for asking." I made it into a button to wear.
LOL yeah dude...they all think it's the bargain store. I mean...I'm usually nice to all of my customers and if they're a little short I always hook 'em up and have them pay me back later. But some people just go too far...like some guy who I didnt even know claimed to know me since I was a kid and wanted to get a $75 bottle of hennessy on complete credit...F*CK THAT...you'd be surprised at how many crazy ass people try to pull shit like that


Well-Known Member
everyday im on my lunch break i see this crack-lady and everyday i swear she thinks it's the first time i met her,

honey honey honey honey please give me a ride, i need a ride to my house, to get my car, i need my car honey please honey i need a ride you lookin handsome honey please i need a ride honey what can i give you honey i need a ride

her exact words, with maybe less honey's than what she really says...i should count tomorrow....

it's sad though i found out from a cop she used to be a lawyer fucked a client (crack dealer) got hooked got homeless and turned into crack lady
Dude, I had the same situation with this lady who was always asking me for a dollar to catch the bus. I don't know if she didn't realize that she'd asked me a million times. I gave her a buck the first time, just said no the time after that, finally I told her I already gave her money for the bus and she didn't go nowhere.

Dude, and there used to be this guy who would beg for food at the drive up at McDonalds. I'm usually more down to buy someone some food, you know? But this mother fucker, knocks on my window (I'm sitting shotgun and stoned as FUCK) I roll it down and he asks me to buy him some food. I tell him I dunno if I can because I'm not buying the food. He tells me "Wait, you're not understanding me. I just want two number 11s."

I was like, "2 number 11's? Are you fucking kidding me? Your really hittin me up for two MEALS? Get the fuck outta here." And rolled my window back up. I was seriously pretty pissed at the nerve of that mother fucker.


Well-Known Member
i personally like the cats who come into my studio, and try to tell me they're going to pay me on the first...like i dunno what's up. I just tell them to come back on the first, with the money...and pay in advance-"yo why gotta be like that?" cuz you gotta be like you, I run the cheapest studio in my city and they still want it for less, when i used to work in a restaurant we had people coming in putting in an order, ridiculous shit, 2 steaks, extra fries, onion rings, and 4 burgers, then be like "yo all i got is 5 bucks...sorry....but are you gonna throw all that away?" hell no you worthless piece of shit ima kick you out so you can watch me eating it through the window


Well-Known Member
Dude, I had the same situation with this lady who was always asking me for a dollar to catch the bus. I don't know if she didn't realize that she'd asked me a million times. I gave her a buck the first time, just said no the time after that, finally I told her I already gave her money for the bus and she didn't go nowhere.

Dude, and there used to be this guy who would beg for food at the drive up at McDonalds. I'm usually more down to buy someone some food, you know? But this mother fucker, knocks on my window (I'm sitting shotgun and stoned as FUCK) I roll it down and he asks me to buy him some food. I tell him I dunno if I can because I'm not buying the food. He tells me "Wait, you're not understanding me. I just want two number 11s."

I was like, "2 number 11's? Are you fucking kidding me? Your really hittin me up for two MEALS? Get the fuck outta here." And rolled my window back up. I was seriously pretty pissed at the nerve of that mother fucker.
lmao the crack lady ...i gave her a quarter to use the phone once, she started walking towards the phone and then looked at me again from 5 feet away and started sprinting she was gone quick for real....

as for food i always offer to buy people food if they ask for money, im like nah i cant give you the money but i'll buy you food, then they get all mad and act like i think they cant do it themselves but as crack lady proved...they cant


Well-Known Member
i personally like the cats who come into my studio, and try to tell me they're going to pay me on the first...like i dunno what's up. I just tell them to come back on the first, with the money...and pay in advance-"yo why gotta be like that?" cuz you gotta be like you, I run the cheapest studio in my city and they still want it for less, when i used to work in a restaurant we had people coming in putting in an order, ridiculous shit, 2 steaks, extra fries, onion rings, and 4 burgers, then be like "yo all i got is 5 bucks...sorry....but are you gonna throw all that away?" hell no you worthless piece of shit ima kick you out so you can watch me eating it through the window
LMAO, so cruel, but I'd probably do it too. Or feed it to my dog in front of them...

Some people have some nerve, you know? There used to be these two bums in the parking lot of my work, and I'd see them every time I went to lunch. I used to buy them stuff now and then. Once I got them both some burgers from McDonalds, and one of them was like "No fries? You got fries..." I was shocked, then pissed as hell. I wished I could take that food back.


Well-Known Member
lmao the crack lady ...i gave her a quarter to use the phone once, she started walking towards the phone and then looked at me again from 5 feet away and started sprinting she was gone quick for real....

as for food i always offer to buy people food if they ask for money, im like nah i cant give you the money but i'll buy you food, then they get all mad and act like i think they cant do it themselves but as crack lady proved...they cant
Yeah man I always offer the good homeless people food at my shop like chips or sandwiches instead of money...and by good homeless people I mean the people who will actually buy food with the money you give them rather than beer and drugs...just to clear it up for anyone who wants to ask me what I mean by "good homeless people" lol...alotta good people out there...just a few evil ones that ruin it for the rest


Well-Known Member
lmao the crack lady ...i gave her a quarter to use the phone once, she started walking towards the phone and then looked at me again from 5 feet away and started sprinting she was gone quick for real....

as for food i always offer to buy people food if they ask for money, im like nah i cant give you the money but i'll buy you food, then they get all mad and act like i think they cant do it themselves but as crack lady proved...they cant
Did she run and disappear like the kid in Super Bad? lmao, when I read it, that's exactly how I pictured it.


Well-Known Member
So my pops owns a liquor store and I close up for him everynight at 2am. And as we all know that 11pm to 2 am are the tweeker/jackass hours, especially on a busy street like mines. So anyhow these two underage mexican kids are outside and they're asking people to buy alcohol for them(one of them got in a knife fight here 3 weeks ago and he had to go to the hospital). And also they're both fucked up on some kind of drug...So I go outside and I ask them about 4-5 times to stop asking people for alcohol and to leave. They dont do it and I threaten to call 5-0. One of them gets in my face and tries to grab my glasses and then I grabbed his hand, shoved his ass on the ground, locked the door on his bitch ass and got them arrested. I wish he would have came with a knife again and pulled it on me, I woulda been happy to grab the new 9 milla my pops just bought and put it to good use...all this happened like 20 mins ago...just felt like clearin my thoughts.
most states have a third party ale law. i ue to woork at a gas station in a bad part of dallas. lots of crack dealers &hookers if a person didn't have their id i wouldn't sale them ne beer. had a custmer call the cops on me for not saling them beer. the cop told them no id no beer.if you think some one is buying acohlol for a minor you can refuse to sale it to the person the is of legal age let them call the cops the cops will back you up.


Well-Known Member
actually she kinda did, only it was a little more comical cuz she had the crack head run with her arms flailing and i could see her for awhile jumping over curbs and jersey barriers then over the fence past the canal and around the block....good times lol


Well-Known Member
All this talk about the poor punk who coulda been shot is crazy,dont anybody watch or listen to the news,morgues are full of innocent citizens who waited on cops to come protect them.

I say drop their ass as soon as shit hits the fan,punks dont fight fair,if you wait for an eye for an eye type scenario its too late for you,punks go from agruing to straight out murder.

Watch your back no bro & put that 9 on your belt in a holster,you know the drill,most likely their not done with you,be prepared.
Yeah man, and I also know a couple of people who died trying to protect their business...I mean I love peace but I love my life more.


Well-Known Member
actually she kinda did, only it was a little more comical cuz she had the crack head run with her arms flailing and i could see her for awhile jumping over curbs and jersey barriers then over the fence past the canal and around the block....good times lol
Hey storm...in that overkill pic you have...how many grams was that blunt? I bet you were flying thru space after that:blsmoke::peace:


Well-Known Member
lol the nug was 9 grams i couldn't fit it all in one so i rolled two 4 and a half to each smoked in a row flying real high


Well-Known Member
actually she kinda did, only it was a little more comical cuz she had the crack head run with her arms flailing and i could see her for awhile jumping over curbs and jersey barriers then over the fence past the canal and around the block....good times lol
LMFAO, your post just reminded me of Dave Chappelle's stand up, where he talks about going to the ghetto, talking about symptoms of the projects, "Crack head ran this way....another one jumped out a tree..."

YouTube - Dave Chappelle - Ghetto

The picture is no good, but it's the whole part that I'm talking about. lmao


Well-Known Member
lol the nug was 9 grams i couldn't fit it all in one so i rolled two 4 and a half to each smoked in a row flying real high
Oh damn it was that big?!?!? that's the shit man...I'm about to get on a blunt of this yellow reefa...so fuckin tasty and potent...gonna be knocked out till tomm man!


Well-Known Member
lol saw that one before, always a good laugh they really do climb trees and shit out here, and when it snows i think they carve out the big piles in the mall parking lots and make crack shacks inside