IF UR INTERESTED IN GLASS BLOWING...check out Glasscraft.com or Wahl glass out of S. Lake Tahoe. they got all the hand tools, torches, and glass. No more than a dank bud room. Plus u can get an oxygen generator, just like a co2 gen., and no more tanks except for BBQ propane tanks. You can get a starter torch for under 100 bucks.. or u can get a huge major burner for 1000's. But id say for $600 bucks you could get everything 1 man needs to start up, with the GlassBlowers Gold Didium Glasses, Tubing, solid color rod, hand tools. Minuse a kiln, and the cost of liquid Oxy. but you can use a 5gal bucket of sand , or vermiculite to cool pieces off.
oh and sometimes the liquid oxy delevery guys puff tough, and if thats the case, ive rolled with free oxy for months for a cpl of bubblers, and some bud. PeaCe
are you spamming my thread?