i just bought 100 dollars worth of glass

i've never seen a design like that. simply expressing opinion. if those don't look so great to you, i'd appreciate it if you posted your opinion of great glass. pictures would be nice. i'm sure you have a bunch saved on your computer for inspiration or what have you. maybe my opinion of beautiful glass will change. after all, i am not a glass pipe connoisseur.
i've never seen a design like that. simply expressing opinion. if those don't look so great to you, i'd appreciate it if you posted your opinion of great glass. pictures would be nice. i'm sure you have a bunch saved on your computer for inspiration or what have you. maybe my opinion of beautiful glass will change. after all, i am not a glass pipe connoisseur.

this should keep you busy for awhile, .... http://www.glasspipes.org/
it does have 1900 posts. sorry, i'll stop posting in this thread. thought you'd enjoy a look at some glass.

i've seen it all, it was my link. then you post a link to some cheezy ass wig wags.

i'm trying to figure out why dude quoted my post where i say "i don't do custom work". then goes on to try to place a "custom order". goes so far as to blow up huge pics of what he wants. if that's what you want, just order it. :bigjoint:

you can post whatever you want. just let it be known that IMO wig wags are "cheezy". :-P
i didn't post those pipes. i posted the perc bongs with like 8 arms because i've never seen anything like that. yeah, it was your link. that's pretty cool that you've seen every image on that site.

he posted those pics because those are the colors he liked and he acknowledged the fact you don't do custom. he just said if you could to try n make a hammer with those colors of the one in the middle.

so when you go to start a project, you don't really know what you're going for? but surely you're good enough to get it to look somewhat like the style is suppose to look like

if I asked you to make a hammer (like rreign did), however you wanted to make it (still would have to look like a hammer though) or however the glass wanted to be made, could you? I think this is more or less what he had in mind
i make what i make. i do NOT take requests. i don't know how to make it any more clear.

NO, i cannot do that. i am sorry. :(

i know it was him that posted the pics. and i said wig wags were cheezy, then you posted a link to MORE cheezy wig wags. NO, i have not seen all the pics on that site, but i certainly have no interest in cheezy wig wags. thank you though.
FDD... you're totally missing the point when I asked for some pipes. No need to get argumentative. I just thought you might want to make some money and I figured I would buy them off of you. Then you tell me to buy those ones if that's what I want. Like I said, it's not the point. I take pride in my glass and if you could be a little more open minded to just taking someones idea and running with it, you might have some pride in knowing that I was smoking out of something YOU made. I didn't mean to un-intentionally jack your thread bro. Forget it man. I know you didn't advertise your pieces or anything to begin with, but hell.... fuck it, I'll buy them from someone else.
FDD... you're totally missing the point when I asked for some pipes. No need to get argumentative. I just thought you might want to make some money and I figured I would buy them off of you. Then you tell me to buy those ones if that's what I want. Like I said, it's not the point. I take pride in my glass and if you could be a little more open minded to just taking someones idea and running with it, you might have some pride in knowing that I was smoking out of something YOU made. I didn't mean to un-intentionally jack your thread bro. Forget it man. I know you didn't advertise your pieces or anything to begin with, but hell.... fuck it, I'll buy them from someone else.

the point is is you wanted me to make something of your suggestion after i have stated numerous times that i don't do custom work.

i'm not being closed minded, argumentative or missing the point. i hear you clearly. it's you that's not getting it.

Hey FDD...I used to hang with a dude that had his torch in front of a very powerful exhaust and claimed that the health dangers were from the silver and gold that he would melt into the end of a clear rod and hold between torch and piece...Dudes nickname was wingnut...so I do not know if this is true or not.

you all just gonna jack my thread now?

used this one before but it sums it up nicely lmfao.

the point is is you wanted me to make something of your suggestion after i have stated numerous times that i don't do custom work.

i'm not being closed minded, argumentative or missing the point. i hear you clearly. it's you that's not getting it.

i understand where your comming from bro im the same when i draw and play guitar.

i actually like the fact thats how you work, your an asshle though just makes me want a piece even more lol.

anyhoo any creativity lately??
the point is is you wanted me to make something of your suggestion after i have stated numerous times that i don't do custom work.

i'm not being closed minded, argumentative or missing the point. i hear you clearly. it's you that's not getting it.


Well I did skip like 75 pages in the entire thread, so if you mentioned it somewhere in there, then I obviously wouldn't have known that you didn't do custom shit for people. Sorry I even asked. Everywhere I have seen you post bro, you're always hostile. I'm not trying to make an enemy here, I'm just saying that all you needed to say was that you didn't make custome shit, so no you wouldn't make it for me. I didn't need to get bashed on my choice of pipe.