Well-Known Member
Agree i just hope they treat us differently than we treat antsIt won't be a fight, this thing is already smart as a college student ,it's only 1.In ten years it will be thousands of times smarter than humans.
Agree i just hope they treat us differently than we treat antsIt won't be a fight, this thing is already smart as a college student ,it's only 1.In ten years it will be thousands of times smarter than humans.
Because, they were smart enough to know space doesn't existWhy didnt they build the space shuttle
Agree we’re ( human brain) all equal in mental ability/capacity to start with. Experience etc determines to what level .
Is this the next physical evolvement
The main think is the Fkd up timeline, we go from the pyramids which are engineering feets,in terms of their construction and perfect orientation and the physics and mathematics blow experts minds even today,from there thousands of yrs. later we have the dark ages,the complete regression of humankind,it doesn't make sense something otherworldly was given and then lost. Combine that w/ Roswell coverup,suddenly about 60 yrs. later(the time taken to understand and reverse engineer) we get into fiber optics among many other technologies,a virtual leap that is stunning.Absolutely imo
Imo,If science and religion could ever accept and come together and let each fill in some of the blanks, our existence could be concluded. Maybe we as a species are being line bred in some way . As people point out we aren’t all the same mentally. Perhabs we humans(the best of us)are just the next acceptable mate for another being to bring them through their next evolution. Maybe its not heaven and hell for sin or grace maybe its this one passes go breed(heaven and virgins)this one doesnt so trash.(hells supposed incinerator)We breed the best and eat the rest.
See Herschel Walker for the answer to that question.
My belief is there is no missing link. Answer this , if we evolved straight line from primates why are there still primates. No primates are evolving into humans. You can teach one to hit nails without hitting his thumb but none will ever be a machinist.
heres what we got ape ape ape huge gap us no fur, upright killing them to wear THEIR fur just so we could survive on a planet we were supposedly on already since its beginning. The missing link isn’t missing. It was intervention and we are hybrid
A prophet that gives up easy is not worthy of being a prophet.