I just can't

Agree we’re ( human brain) all equal in mental ability/capacity to start with. Experience etc determines to what level .

That's wrong right up front. Humans, and I would think animals, are born with different levels of intelligence quotient. Like George Carlin said, "Think how stupid the average human is then realize that half of them are stupider than that" or something to that effect.

A lot of people just don't have the ability to learn advanced concepts no matter how it is presented. They are just born incapable of it.

An excellent carpenter of average intelligence could never become a rocket scientist and a lot of rocket scientists couldn't drive a nail without smashing a thumb so we all have our niches in society.

In my early teens I was sent to a shrink for behavioural issues, likely ADHD I still have, and my IQ was determined to be in the top 10 percentile. IQ does not equal smartness tho and a lot of average people were much smarter in managing their lives than I ever was. Even after a couple decades of alcohol and drug abuse I went back to school in my 30s and got a diploma in environmental chemistry that gave me 2 years uni credit had I wanted to go further like all the way to a PhD but had a young family at home so life got in the way of that. Became a single dad just 2 years after graduation and ended up driving truck after working as a chemist in a couple of industrial jobs. I should have become a millwright in half the time and made a fuckton more money living up here in northern Alberta. Unlike most people with rocket scientist capabilities I can pound nails all day and never smash my thumb. :D Also worked in a small machine shop for a few years and was good at everything I did there.

Good write. I understand what your saying. Let me try to correct myself. Obviously I understand that some are born with mental disabilities and some can develop afterwards. I also understand that some with these disabilities, autism as an example, can be savants with genius level IQs. That being said I still don’t think it disputes my main point. Primates mentally will never be remotely close to a human with a low IQ. Animals that do anything beside their natural functions are trained. Killer whales swim around and eat seals. They can jump through hoops but cant make them. Humans advance continuously. We went from bare foot to improvised sandals to air jordans. From walking to horseback to ferraris . From earthbound to flight to space exploration. The examples are endless. Nothing else is or will ever be even close to us regardless how dumb Carlson thinks we are.
My belief is there is no missing link. Answer this , if we evolved straight line from primates why are there still primates. No primates are evolving into humans. You can teach one to hit nails without hitting his thumb but none will ever be a machinist.
heres what we got ape ape ape huge gap us no fur, upright killing them to wear THEIR fur just so we could survive on a planet we were supposedly on already since its beginning. The missing link isn’t missing. It was intervention and we are hybrid
Its also worth noting that our species has been staring at the stars referring to gods and trying to figure out how to get there since the beginning.
Is this the next physical evolvement

Soon. Population control. Most babies "born" outside the womb in pods. Bigger brains can develop better there. A present day woman's capacity is limited somewhat with just how big a thing can come down the old slippery slide.

"We" might be a hybrid species, basically an experiment. Some strains of human beings are a kind of mids pollen chucks and some have higher thc.

Imo,If science and religion could ever accept and come together and let each fill in some of the blanks, our existence could be concluded. Maybe we as a species are being line bred in some way . As people point out we aren’t all the same mentally. Perhabs we humans(the best of us)are just the next acceptable mate for another being to bring them through their next evolution. Maybe its not heaven and hell for sin or grace maybe its this one passes go breed(heaven and virgins)this one doesnt so trash.(hells supposed incinerator)We breed the best and eat the rest.
Absolutely imo
The main think is the Fkd up timeline, we go from the pyramids which are engineering feets,in terms of their construction and perfect orientation and the physics and mathematics blow experts minds even today,from there thousands of yrs. later we have the dark ages,the complete regression of humankind,it doesn't make sense something otherworldly was given and then lost. Combine that w/ Roswell coverup,suddenly about 60 yrs. later(the time taken to understand and reverse engineer) we get into fiber optics among many other technologies,a virtual leap that is stunning.
Imo,If science and religion could ever accept and come together and let each fill in some of the blanks, our existence could be concluded. Maybe we as a species are being line bred in some way . As people point out we aren’t all the same mentally. Perhabs we humans(the best of us)are just the next acceptable mate for another being to bring them through their next evolution. Maybe its not heaven and hell for sin or grace maybe its this one passes go breed(heaven and virgins)this one doesnt so trash.(hells supposed incinerator)We breed the best and eat the rest.

It's one giant pheno hunt. Some bag seed plants will just get turned into butter and never grown again.
My belief is there is no missing link. Answer this , if we evolved straight line from primates why are there still primates. No primates are evolving into humans. You can teach one to hit nails without hitting his thumb but none will ever be a machinist.
heres what we got ape ape ape huge gap us no fur, upright killing them to wear THEIR fur just so we could survive on a planet we were supposedly on already since its beginning. The missing link isn’t missing. It was intervention and we are hybrid

There are still primates because like many species they evolved on different branches of the primate tree and our branch evolved to become us. Humans for example are still primates but a higher evolved version.

Evolution is a crap shoot. Genetic mutations happen all the time and the environment a creature evolves in greatly influences that evolution towards a creature's development. When the earth had one giant continent, Pangaea, many animals that were separated from their fellows evolved differently over time as their environment changed and evolutionary pressures differed.

You should try researching some of this stuff yourself as anthropology is a fascinating subject. Just one of many I have rudimentary knowledge of through self study years ago.

i got kicked out of a grow forum a few days ago for goofing on "schwazzing" and the true believers who think it's a miracle of botany. apparently calling them dummies (after i was insulted) and other descriptive terms was too much for the delicate boys and i was threatened with being banned. so of course i called the mod a few choice names and shabang, here i am! :)

if i want to go back, my vpn is the key.