I just can't

Me proving or not proving them has no bearing on if the world is flat or not (it isn't). I am not out to prove it to anyone else. I want to understand how things work for myself. When someone presents me with an obviously wrong theory I want to understand why it is wrong and what is real. When I look it up I gain information. If I just go: "that's bullshit" and forget about it I gained nothing. Shit I don't understand intrigues me.
^ Now that's thinking inside the dome.. ;)
But I also said how would day work on the edges. Obviously you can't believe the earth is like a piece of paper and has no thicknes. So for example its flat yet a mile or two or what ever you want it to be thick. Now when that mile or two faces the sun for an hour and turns under its going to be dark for the next 23 hours on that mile edge yeah. And then how would the seasons work. Time we measure and based on roatation of the earth a flat piece would throw that out. The seasons work on the tilt. The moon gets lit up by the sun and the light reflects off it. We see the moon cycles. The gravity of the moon can effect the sea and you can even effect seed germination by it. It wouldn't work the same if your saying the earth is shaped like a flatish box shape. The star positions wouldn't work as they do, the day light wouldn't work the same way and neither would the night. The stars have been plotted for along long time. You can even see them through a telescope. And the ultimate is when the round ball like earth comes between the sun and the moon, you get to see the shape of the earth and you see the moon slowly cycle round while the earth spins.

I dunno about any edges, other than social media meme's that started many moons ago.. I also don't believe in time either, just cycles. I only use time to communicate with you guys, like a machine.

If anything, the only answer I can give you, is to use the current heliocentric theory, and change the globe to a box. I don't believe in space anymore, so I quit trying to see things from that perspective. I don't want to go back either, life is too good in the dome!

I can show you plenty of real footage of the sun and moon in the sky at the same time, with an eclipse happening. Impossible on a globe earth. All anyone does by trying to prove why an "impossible eclipse" happens is completely back up the FE'ers claims of how the horizon really works the entire time.. haha. That's why no one replied much after I posted about it the other day, and there is only maybe 20 articles online at all about it whatsoever..
Oh, and it is for sure thick. There is an entire underground world full of nuclear powered bases/condos. All run off the fake nuclear "warheads" we made for them, by the thousands. Connected by vast tunnel networks, with maglev trains and all. Its growing bigger and bigger, the more money\energy we give to the space club agencies. They have access to all the ancient cities and technologies that have already existed, and use it to enslave us on the surface. There are even more mini domes in the deepest crevices of the sea too, like the movie abyss. I guess you could say we're in an orb, with the horizon of the earth right near the middle.
A convenient excuse... :P

So empirical proof of a flat earth is out. Any chance there is proof that the "powers that be" actually exist...?

Well, remember the vid I posted the other day, of the speaker putting Naysa on the spot? He sent all the videos to those commissioners, right? Are they gonna go after them or what? I think we both know what happens..
Oh, and it is for sure thick. There is an entire underground world full of nuclear powered bases/condos. All run off the fake nuclear "warheads" we made for them, by the thousands. Connected by vast tunnel networks, with maglev trains and all. Its growing bigger and bigger, the more money\energy we give to the space club agencies. They have access to all the ancient cities and technologies that have already existed, and use it to enslave us on the surface. There are even more mini domes in the deepest crevices of the sea too, like the movie abyss. I guess you could say we're in an orb, with the horizon of the earth right near the middle.
A convenient excuse... :P

So empirical proof of a flat earth is out. Any chance there is proof that the "powers that be" actually exist...?
Yep, look no further than the antarctic treaty.. We're always at the brink of nuclear war between many countries, sending our kids to kill their kids & vice versa.. yet no nukes ever seem to go off (meaning they are fake to begin wit IMO, unless you consider carpet bombs nukes?). Obviously some higher powers that be are keeping these so called leaders from blowing each other up, and yet being so kind to each other that they can still go down there, and go penguin watching together. Or "up" to the international fake station, etc..

US and china fighting over spaces on the moon as we speak.. but not in Antartica huh?
ISS is nothing more than a bunch of so called "observatories" like the ones in the above video, shooting laser projections across the dome every night, project blue beam style. As long as enough of them are operating/focusing on the single spot, you can see the holographic space station projection, as if its real. Haha. I mean seriously, not only do they admit that everything is cgi\artificial, they put f'ing lasers on all the big telescopes to project the images. Now they want to do that with the new moon landing BS too, and not just show regular cameras. Come on! How much more proof do you guys need that it's all fake? lol
What happens? They get ignored? How does that prove that the "powers that be" exist? How do we know that the videos he sent to the commission were not manipulated to make it look like there were bubbles/wires/etc?
I think they pull little stunts like that fairly often, knowing there will never be a real investigation.. To mock and make jokes about it, and stir up the boards of commissioners. Anyone of them knows they'll be fired in a heart beat if they take it seriously. Your probably right, and it is all nothing but manipulation, and that guy is just another one of them.. Any real whistle blower would have an "accident".. Like all the other ones that mysteriously died.
I think they pull little stunts like that fairly often, knowing there will never be a real investigation.. To mock and make jokes about it, and stir up the boards of commissioners. Anyone of them knows they'll be fired in a heart beat if they take it seriously. Your probably right, and it is all nothing but manipulation, and that guy is just another one of them.. Any real whistle blower would have an "accident".. Like all the other ones that mysteriously died.
It's almost like the conspiracy goes as deep as your imagination will let it... @.@
ISS is nothing more than a bunch of so called "observatories" like the ones in the above video, shooting laser projections across the dome every night, project blue beam style. As long as enough of them are operating/focusing on the single spot, you can see the holographic space station projection, as if its real. Haha. I mean seriously, not only do they admit that everything is cgi\artificial, they put f'ing lasers on all the big telescopes to project the images. Now they want to do that with the new moon landing BS too, and not just show regular cameras. Come on! How much more proof do you guys need that it's all fake? lol
Were they projecting lazers when gobeki tepi was built ? 30'000-10'000 years ago. Or mayby when the pyramids and the original sphinxes were built that mirrored orions belt at at specific point in time thousands of years ago ?