I just had a financial revelation!!!

The Son of Man

Well-Known Member
This is absolutely brilliant!

Go to AA meetings and find people who can't quit drinking---I mean raging alcoholics that are drinking themselves to death---befriend them and help them out with their bills and what not---in exchange you get to take out huge life insurance policies on them :) The money is tax free---and they should die sooner rather than later :twisted:

Damn---I think up kick ass ideas when I get high :)

The Son of Man

Well-Known Member
What if they're taking too long to die?

you pick out the ones that look like they could go at anytime---in their fifties so the rates won't be super expensive---you can get a policy that lasts for 30 years---these type of people won't make that anyways. And if you get impatient you could hang out with them and always bring them down or dare them to do crazy shit :)

Smiley D

Well-Known Member
you pick out the ones that look like they could go at anytime---in their fifties so the rates won't be super expensive---you can get a policy that lasts for 30 years---these type of people won't make that anyways. And if you get impatient you could hang out with them and always bring them down or dare them to do crazy shit :)

Ahhh, long term investments. Gotta think about your kids, college tuition and whatnot.

Also, don't hardcore alkys die from withdrawal if they suddenly go cold turkey? Take em out for some real benders for a few weeks, then when they're ready get em in a nasty bar fight, you know, cause they're hammered and disgruntled. They get locked up, thrown in detox, get the shakes real bad, and then bam! Payday.

The Son of Man

Well-Known Member
Ahhh, long term investments. Gotta think about your kids, college tuition and whatnot.

Also, don't hardcore alkys die from withdrawal if they suddenly go cold turkey? Take em out for some real benders for a few weeks, then when they're ready get em in a nasty bar fight, you know, cause they're hammered and disgruntled. They get locked up, thrown in detox, get the shakes real bad, and then bam! Payday.

Smiley D

Well-Known Member
I've always wanted to swan dive into a huge pool of gold coins and swim around like scrooge mcduck.

I think that might paralyze a person in real life, though.

Oh yea, probably get a sweet lawsuit on disney for that, could be cool.

The Son of Man

Well-Known Member
he's just looking at his watch because he's got huge life insurance policies out on huey, duey, and louey and he sent them to deal with creatures from the "Odyssey"---it's only a matter of time :)

Smiley D

Well-Known Member
sounds like a good plan but im an alcoholic at 21 i might be too fucking drunk to pulli t off

Aww, that's too bad. Probably need someone to talk to and help with your finances, seeing as you're an incapable drunkard.

Where are you from?