I just saved a mans life 15 minutes ago

Bob Zmuda

Well-Known Member
sitting at the ATM machine at a Rite Aide drug store I watched this older dude walk over into the shade of the building,then straight up collapse,laid out on the concrete like a snow angle,he busted his head when he fell out,another dude seen it too & we both ran to help the old guy.

when we got to him he wasn't breathing so while the other younger guy was trying to get a pulse I took his dick in my mouth and furiously suctioned.

Illinois Enema Bandit

Well-Known Member
art for art's sake.

money for god's sake.
a man smarter than you or I will ever be left the world this wise quote decades before his death

"you can't make a fool realize he's a fool,pointing out a fools foolishness can only make him lash out"

9 of 10 of your posts r lashing out at one person or another,no friendly banter,no exchange of ideals,no debate,either conform to " your vision " of what's right,or then be labled racist,Nazi,hompohobe,anti semite,white supremicist right winger

quote & post a single instance where I've said racist things,you can't because your condemnation is based on BS

Bob Zmuda

Well-Known Member
I'm not trying to insult you or buck and I don't appreciate being insulted. Just stating how I see things. If I'm wrong prove me wrong and ill admit it. Your opinion and mine mean just as much. Thats why they are opinions. Doesn't matter who's been on the site longer. Just because I don't have the best reading comprehension doesn't mean I'm a idiot.
Time to change the ole tampon eh?

Illinois Enema Bandit

Well-Known Member
How did it feel? Doing CPR? First time?
not my 1st time but still frightening,I've given CPR before & its always frightening feeling another persons chest fall under your compressions,not a good feeling at all,they've stopped the rescue breathing now because most people do more harm than good doing it & its time wasted from stimulating the heart,I take a course once a year to remain current

Illinois Enema Bandit

Well-Known Member
Why does time on this site mean anything? I'm not giving advice on how to grow. I'm a newb in that aspect and ill admit it. That has nothing to do with this.
it means nothing,what does mean something is the words men use,nothing else matters,if my words were racist then let buck show them


Well-Known Member
not my 1st time but still frightening,I've given CPR before & its always frightening feeling another persons chest fall under your compressions,not a good feeling at all,they've stopped the rescue breathing now because most people do more harm than good doing it & its time wasted from stimulating the heart,I take a course once a year to remain current
Crack up the sternum?

Illinois Enema Bandit

Well-Known Member
Actually, it's called CCR. And you'll crack the sternum every time you do it right. You claim what you want. Done it more than once and seen it done many, many times.
CPR CCR word games,an old man u don't use the same force as a young man,you use the force you'd use on a child,and nobody but a valid medical worker is supposed to compress the chest with the same vigor as a medical worker,I used the method my companys medical program taught us using dummy's so for the second time no,I didn't break his sternum

so now u say " then my efforts did nothing to help the old man"

anything else I can help u with,any other fault u can find ?


Well-Known Member
Actually, it's called CCR. And you'll crack the sternum every time you do it right. You claim what you want. Done it more than once and seen it done many, many times.
True got family that are in the fire department and when done rite it will usually crack the sternum and it's actually super brutal to watch a trained professional give CPR ......it's not like the movies where it looks more like the start of a rough sex porn .....lots of people who get rescued from swimming accidents via CPR usually are super sore just because of the CPR itself


Well-Known Member
CPR CCR word games,an old man u don't use the same force as a young man,you use the force you'd use on a child,and nobody but a valid medical worker is supposed to compress the chest with the same vigor as a medical worker,I used the method my companys medical program taught us using dummy's so for the second time no,I didn't break his sternum

so now u say " then my efforts did nothing to help the old man"

anything else I can help u with,any other fault u can find ?
Your story. Tell it anyway you like.

Illinois Enema Bandit

Well-Known Member
wow did this turn out 2 be a real bummer,glad the Nazi expert could drop by & derail,then the nonsense

I'm burning a joint n having a drink while some of u decide which cross to burn me on:spew:


Well-Known Member
CPR CCR word games,an old man u don't use the same force as a young man,you use the force you'd use on a child,and nobody but a valid medical worker is supposed to compress the chest with the same vigor as a medical worker,I used the method my companys medical program taught us using dummy's so for the second time no,I didn't break his sternum

so now u say " then my efforts did nothing to help the old man"

anything else I can help u with,any other fault u can find ?
So what exactly did you do just give him a kiss and tell him it would be alright ..........sorry but you walked into that one don't take it personal ....if what you said happened really happend then you did a good deed just stopping and helping in anyway .......let's just hope he wasn't falling over from some crazy virus that's super contagious and you locked lips with him