I know someone knows...


~ Out-Dawrz ~ Moderator ~
Dont tell a single person but hang fishing lines with treble hooks on them chest high and head high. They wont fuck around long


Active Member
look just catch them there and shove your nina in there face followed by the words.."you never saw this place...now gimmie your drivers lice...i now know where you live, thanks have a great day!, oh dont come back now ya hear!"
I had a thief 2 years ago, SOB stole all my ready-to-haverst plants... We put motion sensor cameras around the area. The flash alone scares them off.
My advice buy a cheap paintball gun...get some motion lights/camera/sound that way you wake up when they go off...Have your paintball gun ready to go every night and go light them up...They dont come back believe me. If your plant is in a pot....put shit where they would pick it up...Take thumbtacks and glue them all under the edge of the pot....thats harsh but makes them think twice Especially if they cant see them :)


Active Member
I have used fishing hooks before, didn't even slow them down. I use a driveway sensor. Cheap and sets of a ringer when someone crosses the path of the device. That and motion sensor lights is all I can think of for someone not being home.
I even had thieves come with pork chops for my dog...could have been poisoned, they came the one night a year that my dog slept inside and I am glad for it, rather lose a plant than my dog.

Good luck!


Well-Known Member
hide a bear trap in the soil, that will get em good

I must agree. BUT........... the perp isn't on this thread and has no moral fiber. SO.........I'm out of luck. BUT..........if someone offers some insight, MAYBE..........I can work around this.


Well-Known Member
Its probably someone you know, keep an eye on your "friends" one of them might slip up.

you are going to have to pull guard duty , you have come to far, if you can't go all the way to ripeness. think about harvesting early and making hash.


Well-Known Member
just rolled a j and thought of a good one. get beaver trap. i already have one burry that trap glue a 10 spot to tongs. it will break his fingertips and rist no prob.


Well-Known Member
Not much wrong with breaking a thief's hand i suppose, i would.. personally i have broken noses over stealing so why not a hand. Just be bad if a random person found it i'd put it right beside the plants.


Well-Known Member
trust me a broke hand is worse then a nose. when you reach for something you us your dominant hand. when you whip your ass you us your domiat hand. a broken hand sucks and if you can get both hands thats great. cause someone else has to whip there ass then.